Illegal Alien advocate pleads guilty for tax fraud – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien advocate pleads guilty for tax fraud

DC: An advocate for immigrants pleaded guilty on Friday for falsely adding three Mexican children as dependents on a client’s tax return.

Elias Bermudez, 67, helped immigrants preparing immigration and tax documents, The Associated Press reported. Officials said that Bermudez allegedly told undercover International Revenue Services (IRS) agents, who acted as clients, that they should include false dependents on their tax returns to reduce their liabilities.

Officials also added that Bermudez allegedly encouraged clients to list family members living in Mexico, including children that did not belong to the clients, as dependents, The AP reported. Bermudez allegedly prepared 27 false income tax returns from 2010 to 2012.

Bermudez told U.S. District Judge Diane Humetewa that he made a mistake when filing one tax return that listed the three Mexican children and should have checked whether the children lived in the U.S., the AP reported. The move cost the U.S. government $4,000. Officials dropped 26 other charges made against Bermudez as part of the plea agreement.

Legally present immigrants, U.S. resident aliens, non-resident aliens and illegal immigrants who are not eligible for social security numbers can file taxes by having an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). ITIN holders are still eligible for child tax credits, but the child has to be a U.S. national, citizen or resident in order to be considered as qualified, according to a report from the IRS in 2014.  more here

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