Illegal Alien Charged With Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million From Taxpayers – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Charged With Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million From Taxpayers If you’re interested in the outrage of the week, consider the case of Gerardo Valerio-Romero. If you’re not familiar with him, MRC TV’s Brittany Hughes will fill you in — and it will make you sick to your stomach.

According to a video uploaded Wednesday, Valerio-Romero — an illegal immigrant who stands accused of molesting his own 8-year-old stepdaughter — has received over $1 million in medical treatments while he’s incarcerated.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported that the Mexican citizen was in the custody of officials in Utah County, Utah when he was diagnosed with cancer. Since then, his medical bills have been so high that, according to CBS News, Sheriff Jim Tracy was faced with the choice of having to lay off employees or close jail beds. He’s since resigned over the case.

“Forty-nine-year-old Gerardo Valerio-Romero’s tab for cancer treatment has all but bankrupted the local jail in a Utah county, where he’s been charged with six counts of sexually assaulting his own 8-year-old stepdaughter, along with eight felony counts of forgery and one count of illegally possessing someone else’s ID,” Hughes says in the Wednesday video.  read more

12 Comments on Illegal Alien Charged With Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million From Taxpayers

  1. Here are your two options amigo:

    1). Be executed quickly and painlessly
    2). Die a slow death of cancer with no treatment and no pain medication.

    That solution makes so much sense that it will never happen.

  2. Sheriff Tracy should have tried thinking outside the box cell. I’m sure he could have found an “alternative medicine” doctor who would have treated the cancer with a secret blend of herbs and spices and not charged a lot of money. It wouldn’t have taken a long time for the treatment to be, um, “successful”.

  3. Send the bill to Mexico, along with all the other multi-billions in charges we have run up for taking care of their criminal illegal citizens. If they don’t pay up then do what President Polk did and take some of their terrortiry in payment!


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