Illegal alien charter bus driver kills 2 injures dozens – IOTW Report

Illegal alien charter bus driver kills 2 injures dozens

(CNN)An undocumented immigrant was piloting a charter bus that he wasn’t licensed to drive when it crashed Sunday morning in Louisiana, killing two people and injuring dozens, police said.

The bus was full of workers headed to Baton Rouge on Interstate 10 to help with the flooding cleanup, said Louisiana State Police Trooper Melissa Matey.
The driver was Denis Yasmir Amaya Rodriguez, an undocumented immigrant from Honduras, Matey said.  MORE

19 Comments on Illegal alien charter bus driver kills 2 injures dozens

  1. Why can’t we say ‘illegal alien’ anymore? Let’s just call a spade a spade.

    Do you remember those public service commercials on TV ordering foreigners to register at the nearest post office? They had to register once a year.

  2. Any bus company that would hire a “undocumented” guy without a CDL/Bus operator license is probably a fly-by-night company that will go out of business before I’m done typing this comment.

    The victims of the crash will wind up suing many people, but the ones responsible (the bus company and the illegal alien phony driver) will likely go scott free

  3. He was driving a busload of “workers” down to help out in LA, eh? Would these “workers” be the sort that one can find standing outside of home improvement stores waiting on a job for the day? The kind of workers that roofing companies hire by the dozens, sub contractors hire by the dozens, landscapers hire by the dozens, on and on. It isn’t even that they pay these illegals less per hour, but that the OTHER costs to the boss employer, like unemployment, disability, insurance, paid vacation or sick leave – those the boss doesn’t shell out on. Illegals make the same per hour, but the boss man saves a ton of money.
    So, LA flood victims will have to use folks from their own locale for now, but rest assured – a number of other such vehicles are loaded with “workers” and are on their way to help do the work that Americans just won’t do – rebuild the flooded areas of LA.

  4. Was on a jury with a trial that had a similar situation.

    The bus company needs it’s pants sued off.


    They cared more about money than people, laws or doing the right thing.

    In our case, a security company hired a convicted car thief and never did a background check. They didn’t care. Then put him to work as night security at a car dealership. One guess as to what he did the first week.

    We doubled what the complainant asked for.

  5. GrandeMe- Exactly. Only a lot of times the work the illegals do get botched up and you end up having to hire Americans to re-do and improve the work. And the Americans will charge double for an emergency and rightly so. lol

  6. So, when they hired him, they didn’t have him prove he could work in the country? And then they didn’t look at his (non-existent) license? I’d say they share in the responsibility of these murders.

  7. The site’s still live.
    “Resident Agent” Chris Lombard may well up and go back to Costa Rica, Puerto Vallarta, or Mexico City – apparent favorites via his Instagram account. I hope he doesn’t make it.

    I can’t wrap my head around this. The worst crash I’d heard of in that area was during an evacuation when Katrina/Rita hit. If memory serves, yes, it was an illegal (but competent and experienced driver) helping out, who had the misfortune of taking on way too many oxygen tanks at one time, needed by invalid patients. Rules about what can be taken were re-written after than.

    To drive any of the buses the company hires out requires:
    A Class B CDL with passenger endorsement.
    Safety compliance, which at the very least means driver training, logs & records + equipment maintenance records.
    That’s to get the wheels going. There are hundreds of things that will grind them to a halt.

    I drove for a national (now internationally) owned bus company for a year in Texas, when I wasn’t driving 18-wheelers. This was right around the time the Bush administration was doing its schizophrenic best about Mexicans driving no more than 100 (150) miles from the border, and people were pissed.

    This yahoo gets scooped up by someone’s sixth cousin once removed and is turned loose on the highway, and kills G-d’s helpers.
    W T F.

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