Dum Dum Taints the Yum Yum Sauce – The Continuing Tale of Illegal Alien Crimes – IOTW Report

Dum Dum Taints the Yum Yum Sauce – The Continuing Tale of Illegal Alien Crimes

Miami Herald-

Margarito Padilla began serving his sentence Monday, according to Florida Department of Corrections records.

On Tuesday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Tampa office filed a detainer on the 54-year-old Guadalajara, Mexico, native, meaning ICE wants to know when Padilla finishes doing his time.

Padilla’s employment at a Hibachi Express in Lakeland ended last June, after franchise owner Zhong Jiang thought the Yum-Yum sauce refrigerated in a 55-gallon barrel didn’t look so yummy. He took a taste off a single-dipped finger.

“The victim’s mouth immediately began burning and he described the pain as a cutting of his tongue and mouth,” the arrest report read.

After asking the employees about the sauce and getting no explanation, Jiang announced he was calling police. Padilla asked Jiang to refrain from calling the cops, heightening Jiang’s suspicion, according to the report.

Via surveillance video review, Jiang saw Padilla kneeling next to where the restaurant kept the Plumbers Choice Lye industrial strength drain cleaner. He noticed a flat pocket when Padilla first kneeled and a bulging pocket when he rose. The pocket deflated to flat after Padilla swung by a sink briefly holding a container of Yum-Yum sauce.

When first interviewed by Lakeland police, Padilla denied anything before cops played the video. He then admitted he had contaminated the sauce because he was angry at Jiang over working conditions.


ht/ christian pdx

9 Comments on Dum Dum Taints the Yum Yum Sauce – The Continuing Tale of Illegal Alien Crimes

  1. Generally speaking, I’m sure the illegals are fastidious in their personal hygiene while prepping food.
    How many people have been sickened in eateries and schools because these primitives are shedding filth about.

  2. I often wonder how safe food is and even if you cook all of your own food and grow most of it, you’re still in danger, because there is always something you have to buy, like flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, etc.
    All it takes is one stupid liberal or foreigner to shit or piss in it or worse poison it.

    Our food and water supply would be the easiest way for these terrorists to commit mass murder.

  3. ( 1 ) that is what happens when you hired criminals illegal aliens.
    ( 2 ) the owner of the restaurant should have kill him
    ( 3 ) the owner should have let is ass drink it.
    This criminal illegal aliens don’t like the USA, this people only want free everything, and make the American green to send to Mexico, Salvador, etc

  4. Hang around any low- to moderately-priced restaurant long enough, and you will see the kitchen crew emerge. You probably would not eat there again. In my working career, I had occasional opportunities to walk through restaurant kitchens; most were disgusting. And my wife wonders why I don’t like to dine out.

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