Illegal Alien Killed Cop, Search Continues – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Killed Cop, Search Continues

wltx.comAs California authorities search for suspected cop killer, an illegal immigrant, Trump calls for ‘Border Security’

Trump on Calif. cop killing: ‘Build the Wall!’

California authorities are searching for a man who killed a small-town police officer the day after Christmas, a manhunt that prompted a tweet on Thursday from President Donald Trump.

Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said Thursday they have identified the suspect who fatally shot Newman Police Department Cpl. Ronil Singh during a traffic stop, saying the man is living illegally in the United States but not naming him.

“We will relentlessly continue to hunt our suspect down and bring him to justice so that … we can bring closure onto this community and this police department,” Christianson said. “This suspect is in our country illegally. He doesn’t belong here. He is a criminal.”

Read it here.

*snip* I also read that his K9 partner will reportedly be retired and remain with the Singh family.

h/t MaryfromMarin

17 Comments on Illegal Alien Killed Cop, Search Continues

  1. There’s been three murders perpetrated by illegal aliens in the last couple days. Two in Cali, one in New Jersey. This one is bad. This cop was a legal immigrant. He took a family picture with his wife and young child right before going on duty. I know that community of Newman and surrounding areas well. The wet back better hope the cops find him first.

  2. If the illegal gets to LA County and surrenders there, the new Hispanic sheriff will protect him from ICE. He says ICE will not be allowed to come to any LA County jails. If ICE goes in to get him, we could have a spark that starts a very serious confrontation between local and federal authorities. I’m actually hoping it comes down that way, because I want the federal authority to show them who’s boss, at least in regard to immigration.

  3. Thousands of everyday Americans are killed by illegals every year. The only reason this one is making news is because one killed a legal immigrant. The thousands of others can just go pound sand. Right media?


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