Illegal Alien/ MS-13 Associate pays to sexually assault 14 year old, then blackmails her – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien/ MS-13 Associate pays to sexually assault 14 year old, then blackmails her

Daily Caller: A suspect associated with the MS-13 gang will be tried for allegedly paying for sex with a 14-year-old girl, then blackmailing her with video of the encounter.

Felix Silva-Zuniga, 52, has been scheduled to be tried in Montgomery County Circuit Court for allegedly paying the gang leaders $100 to allow him to have sex with a 14-year-old girl, recording a video of the act, and then blackmailing her into continued sexual relations using the footage.  more

7 Comments on Illegal Alien/ MS-13 Associate pays to sexually assault 14 year old, then blackmails her

  1. We”ll soon find out they are Hillary Clinton donors.

    Between. Murderin’ Buck, Rapo Bill, Harvey weinstein, Jeffrey peste in – her deal was: if you support me politicially and criminally, I will enable you to commit sex crimes.

    It worked for a long time.

  2. I don’t understand how these sub-humans are still in the country let alone doing the sub-human things they do. It should be open season on MS-13 members with a paid bounty. I think MS-13 and most illegal aliens (the military-aged men) are military recruits for the democrats if/when the shit hits the fan because without them they wouldn’t stand a chance.

  3. take each arm and leg and tie them to cars going in oppisite directions and gun it. do that to every illegal criminal and they will stop coming to America. forget trials. they are not human. it’s time to stop treating them like they’re human.


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