Illegal Alien Not Prosecuted for Assaulting Border Patrol Agent, Says CBP – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Not Prosecuted for Assaulting Border Patrol Agent, Says CBP

Breitbart: Despite promises from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, officials say an illegal alien who sent a Border Patrol agent to the hospital with a concussion is not being prosecuted for assaulting a federal agent. Agents previously told Breitbart Texas this is one of the contributing factors to Border Patrol agents being the most assaulted federal law enforcement officers.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent received a concussion after being struck in the head by flying metal after an illegal alien plowed through a road sign while allegedly bypassing a checkpoint during a human smuggling run, Breitbart Texas reported on Friday. While the illegal alien from Mexico is being prosecuted for human smuggling, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of California is not yet filing any assault charges in the case, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials told Breitbart Texas on Thursday.

Breitbart Texas reached out to the U.S. Attorney’s office in San Diego on Thursday afternoon for an explanation about the lack of charges being filed. Media spokeswoman Kelly Thornton told this writer she would look into the matter but no response has been received by Saturday afternoon.

Responding to an inquiry from Breitbart Texas, Border Patrol Agent Brandon Judd, in his capacity as National Border Patrol Council president, said, “Border Patrol Agents put their lives on the line daily to protect our country from those who break our laws and cross our borders illegally. This is just another example of Obama holdovers failing to hold criminals accountable and protect the brave men and women of the US Border Patrol. Border Patrol Agents were optimistic that the Trump Administration would “drain the swamp” of all those in the Federal Government who refuse to do their jobs. This pathetic decision by the US Attorney’s office proves there is obviously a lot of work left to do.”

“If we expect people to obey the rule of law, there must be consequences when laws are broken,” Judd continued. “I can’t state with more emphasis that the failure to prosecute this criminal for attempting to cause serious bodily harm or death to my agent – a civil servant to the citizens of this nation – is despicable and completely unacceptable. The men and women of the US Border Patrol call on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to immediately fire the person who made this decision. We must hold criminals accountable and we must hold the US Attorney’s office accountable for allowing these criminals to escape prosecution for their crimes against the United States. The swamp must be drained.”

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10 Comments on Illegal Alien Not Prosecuted for Assaulting Border Patrol Agent, Says CBP

  1. Why does it always seem that Trump is always weak on immigration? If nothing changes soon Sessions must go & it’s not All his fault. Trump must direct it because I don’t see a wall happening, sorry to say.

  2. No matter what the cost or the inconvenience, get rid of all these MoFu’s that were hired or promoted during the Obama administration. Kicking them all out my room for new blood in, an American citizens who have their minds right.

  3. How has this happened, you would think any law enforcement group could Jail him. Think of going to a foreign country and doing that, first the Locals would Keep you until Fed’s arrived and then you know your’e screwed !!!
    This Shit is all Backward !

  4. Sounds like the Border Patrol and other border agencies need to learn and start practicing at least three of The Four Esses;

    “Illegals? Nope, we haven’t seen any all day. Lucky us.”

    “Empty van? Yep. We must have just missed them.”

  5. The general rule of thumb used to be in order for FBI and AUSA to pursue assault charges against a BP Agent, blood had to have been drawn. Not a written rule, just seemed the case more than not.

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