Illegal Aliens Harass Customers, Rip Books At Ann Coulter Book Signing – IOTW Report

Illegal Aliens Harass Customers, Rip Books At Ann Coulter Book Signing

Ann Coulter and some of her fans were victims of a verbal assault by a bunch of rude illegal immigrants — but Coulter had the last word.

illegals protest coulter costa mesa

14 Comments on Illegal Aliens Harass Customers, Rip Books At Ann Coulter Book Signing

  1. They’re so mad, they found someone to print those signs in ENGLISH!

    The old people off to the right are grandma and grandpa who gave them all a ride but have no idea what’s going on.

  2. Yes Ann pissed me off with her love of Crispy Cream. But as for the protesters, she hit the nail on the head. At least while they were protesting they were not raping 4 year old’s .
    Oh boy, watch for an avalanche..of bullshit.

  3. It’s 10:30 Cali time and once again ISIS has disappointed me. I’m making all the weapons safe and going to bed. Damn. Fucking pussies just won’t engage.

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