Illegal Asks To Be Deported Rather Than Face Justice For Heinous Crime – IOTW Report

Illegal Asks To Be Deported Rather Than Face Justice For Heinous Crime


Police say an unlicensed daycare worker in Utah broke a baby’s legs when she slammed the child on a bathroom floor.

Salt Lake City police say 66-year-old Elvira Ortega operated a day care at her home and was arrested after the child’s parents brought him to a hospital on Feb. 23. Police say the child is less than a year old.

Police said Wednesday she acknowledged slamming the child feet-first and later said that she would rather be deported than go to jail.


24 Comments on Illegal Asks To Be Deported Rather Than Face Justice For Heinous Crime

  1. Is it either/or? Seems to me that justice would demand that she be tried. If not convicted, then deported. If convicted, then serve her sentence, with no parole or probation. As soon as she is released from prison, she is immediately deported.

  2. Boy, are illegal aliens getting uglier and uglier. Of course this creature would rather be deported than go to jail. Um, what criminal wouldn’t want to go Scot free? She should be sent to prison for a long, long time. In meh hee co. Our prisons are too good for a POS like this.

  3. I don’t want to pay for her incarceration, but I will. Begrudgingly. Then away she goes, across the border. And if she comes back, well, I can’t say what I’d like to do next. It’s not nice.

  4. What kind of “parents” would put their infant within one mile of something that looks like that “home daycare” animal? Judgement? Responsibility? What’s that?

  5. Glad to know the crime was committed in Utah. In CA they’d make her Queen For a Day and shower her with expensive gifts and someone would sponsor a GoFraudMe account for her. Then they’d hide her from ICE.

  6. Some people shouldn’t be around kids.

    I would prefer that she serve time first and then be deported, but I am guessing that the prosecutor will give her deportation in exchange for a guilty plea. A stipulation that she face an automatic maximum jail term if she ever steps foot on US soil again would be nice, but I doubt it would be included in any deal.

  7. The other day a friend in CA sent me a FB post from a ‘friend’ that said ‘Remove every single gun from the face of the earth!’ in response to a story Boy, 2,shot in both legs over apparent road rage incident. But I’m sure the same liberal would be outraged if I said in response to this story ‘get rid of every illegal within the US’. We are still talking about Parkland, what about what happens every day to American citizens and children from illegals?! You can save a lot more citizens heartache and harm by closing the damn boarder and getting this human debris out of our country than marching around on the Dems dime and demanding to raise the legal age to buy a weapon or banning certain weapons/ammo/accessories.

  8. WOT! I thought, according to the Marxist America haters and the illegal criminals themselves, that being sent home was both inhuman and cruel and unusual punishment!

  9. Build that wall !
    Build that wall !
    I vote we should brand her on the cheek and turn her loose in her natural habitat.
    If she strays, we will know who to return her to.

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