Illegal Bailed Out By ‘Sanctuary Church’ After Savage Times Square Cop Beating Arrested Again – IOTW Report

Illegal Bailed Out By ‘Sanctuary Church’ After Savage Times Square Cop Beating Arrested Again


In January, The Gateway Pundit reported on a violent altercation near a migrant center in Times Square when two police officers attempting to disperse a mob of illegals were attacked.

Seven of the thirteen alleged assailants were arrested and charged with assaulting an officer. The others were released without the requirement of bail.

The violent melee was sparked after an officer attempted to move Yohenry Brito, 24, resulting in Brito shoving the officer’s hands away and then the group descended on the officers punching and kicking them. Read more

5 Comments on Illegal Bailed Out By ‘Sanctuary Church’ After Savage Times Square Cop Beating Arrested Again

  1. “Do it in the name of religion, you’ll be justified in the end…” is not an excuse to harm other people regardless of how “right” you think you are. God will not be mocked nor used.

  2. This is wrong on so many levels.
    First: why is there a “migrant center” in Times Square?
    Second: why is there a “mob of illegals” in the United States?
    Third: why does the “mob of illegals” need to be dispersed?
    Fourth: why only two (2) cops?
    Fifth: why doesn’t DHS do what it’s paid to do?
    Sixth: why wasn’t ICE on the job?
    Seventh: why do NYers put up with this shit?
    Eighth: why do Americans put up with this shit?

    &c., &c., &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. You would think that by now there would be a secretive organization that would take care of this problem. You know, one that would uphold the law and administer equal justice. A deterrence if you will.


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