Illegal Muslim with an Illegal Gun – Left’s Dilemma – IOTW Report

Illegal Muslim with an Illegal Gun – Left’s Dilemma

Just because there are a lot of Muslims who commit terrorist acts does not mean we should treat all Muslims as if they are potential terrorists. – The left

Just because a few AR-15 owners used their gun to commit mass murder does not mean we should treat all AR-15 owners as if they are potential mass murderers. – The idiotic, stupid, unbelievably stupid, right-wing morons.

Just because someone is in this country illegally doesn’t mean they did anything illegal. – The left

If the illegals didn’t do anything illegal, what is a sanctuary city sanctuary from? – The idiotic, stupid, unbelievably stupid, right-wing morons

Just because an illegal alien Muslim has an illegal AR-15 doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to sanctuary and a fair chance to escape from the clutches of the evil ICE. – The left

What the hell is wrong with you? – The idiotic, stupid, unbelievably stupid, right-wing morons

You can go here and read about how an illegal alien Muslim had a truck filled with illegal guns (visible to pedestrians) and had the police called on him by hotel employees and the police told him to keep the guns out of sight and suggested he put them in a hotel safe.

He was finally arrested after the hotel called the police a second time when, again, they saw a rifle on the front seat of his truck and were concerned because his room overlooked a rally that was scheduled later in the day.

This illegal has a truck, presumably a driver’s license and insurance (didn’t the police ask for that?), illegal guns, and lawyers fighting on his behalf.

All the while the left’s focus is on taking away legal guns from American citizens and trying their best to kill off whiteness while erecting sanctuaries for non-white criminals.

What the hell is going on?

ht/ mansfield lovell






13 Comments on Illegal Muslim with an Illegal Gun – Left’s Dilemma

  1. Why couldn’t the cops and fbi just rent the guy a room on the 32nd floor of the hotel and give him a sledge hammer? Problem solved.

    Anyone who does not suspect these attacks are being permitted to happen, and in fact getting logistical support from the fbi and deep state, needs to go back and start rereading the Encyclopedia Brown series childrens books.

  2. Just to put this in perspective, think of yourself as an average person, law abiding citizen, reader/commenter on IOTW, that has the misfortune of getting arrested for a DWI. No bad intent involved really. You go out to dinner with your companion, have 2 or 3 glasses of wine and a shot of Sambuca with your coffee. You get stopped in a road block and fail the test. Just think about how the police, courts, and insurance system come down in you like a mountain of bricks, instantaneously. It lingers painfully for about a decade afterward.You are immediately incapacitated and under the microscope of the courts, monitored and supervised. Just a regular good person, first offense, bad mistake. No breaks for you.

    Then you have this guy in the context of the very recent Las Vegas Massacre. He is an illegal, a Saudi Arabian citizen, he has amassed an arsenal of altered firearms, he is threatening people in public, people are noticing him and calling the cops, he is 22 years old and OWNS A TIRE SHOP in Indiana????!!! The Police respond and hes at a hotel where a march is taking place and they let this guy go…

    How does this 22 year old kid from a foreign country that clearly has lived in several other places around the world before arriving here, manage to aquire a Tire Shop? How does he get all these altered guns? Who was helping this kid establish this existence here in the United States? This is a case that I hope gets a lot of attention and focus from the public and the alternative media because there is meat on this bone.

  3. So here’s a big part of the problem: He had six handguns and one rifle, but he was only charged with one count of being and illegal immigrant in possession of a firearm. Why not 7 counts? And you know, the first thing the DA (they are always democrats) will plea bargain away will be…anyone? Anyone? Bueler? Yes, the firearms charge. Happens every time.

  4. I agree with American Hero: these things are being *allowed* to happen.

    We are watching Europe crumble. Sweden is the rape capital of Europe…. gang rapes!….but they won’t track ethnicity of the rapists….

    *Two* cities in England had *thousands* of young girls raped, drugged and groomed over *decades,* with families begging for help and “because the police (and social workers) didn’t wish to appear racist…” all the Mussies were allowed to continue and the children tagged as whores and prostitutes — at age eleven!

    Maybe there are one or two nervous Brit cops who wanted to look the other way, but crimes of this magnitude, over this long a period, do not go unnoticed without someone issuing orders for the crimes to go unnoticed.

    And, it is coming to America. …..Lady in Red

  5. Why haven’t heads already rolled in the Indianapolis police department? See something say something? What a joke.

    If they had checked his I.D., they would have seen he was here on a student visa and not permitted to be in possession of a firearm. If they checked his student visa, they would have seen that it expired and he was in the country illegally AND in possession of firearms. Instead, the POLICE tell him to put the guns in the trunk so they don’t get stolen. Heads! We need heads!

  6. Also, how much does anyone want to bet that if he had shot up the women’s march he would have been portrayed in the media as anti-feminist (and probably right-wing).


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