Illegal Obamacare Subsidies Ended – IOTW Report

Illegal Obamacare Subsidies Ended

The president gave them half a year to end Obamacare but after Congress failing twice to repeal or replace the failing program, the administration announced the end of  illegal subsidies that were going to insurance companies to prop up the disaster.


18 states are have filed a lawsuit for a restraining order and injunctions to keep the illegal payments going.


13 Comments on Illegal Obamacare Subsidies Ended

  1. How can anyone claim obozocare is legitimate in the least when so many of its parts are illegal, including its unConstitutional main premise (a mandate to buy insurance) ??

    Government (all 3 Branches, pre-Trump) has trashed its very legitimacy, of its own volition. And they choose to stand by the characterization of this elected President as being unfit for Office ??

  2. Because villains like Gov Kasich who portray themselves as heroes for the little people, must have federal money to prop up their state’s giveaway of unaffordable health insurance.

  3. I don’t think that editorial cartoon is correct. Obamacare should be a facehugger from Alien and the GOP “doctor” should be saying that if we just tweak it a little then we can learn to live with it.

  4. Trump needs to double down and clawback the cash illegally paid to the insurance companies. They signed up and supported this fiasco. Lost tons of money? FU….you should have known better than working with commie progs.

    This would certainly exposed the pols they own.

  5. 10th AMENDMENT

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    If health care is a federal responsibility, then Congress has the obligation to write and pass an amendment to the Constitution.

    Failing that, it’s a state responsibility, like education.

    An illegal bill, passed illegally by way of Congress, and again illegally edited by the Supreme Court, was funding insurance companies illegally, now they are claiming Trump needs to keep paying illegal funds?

    Time to dissolve the federal government.

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