“Illegally Shoot the Son of a B!tch”: Bob Beckel Calls for Assassination of Julian Assange on TV – IOTW Report

“Illegally Shoot the Son of a B!tch”: Bob Beckel Calls for Assassination of Julian Assange on TV

DCC: Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel appeared on on Fox calling for the assassination of Julian Assange — a blatant urge for violence against the Wikileaks founder in direct contradiction of every possible natural and government law.

Wikileaks, of course, has published several damning caches of documents showing Clinton in none-too-favorable light — including emails from her controversially-employed private server as well as communications from the DNC which proved her campaign colluded with mainstream media.

“I mean, a dead man can’t leak stuff,” Beckel chillingly noted of Assange. “The guy’s a traitor, a treasonist, and … and he has broken every law in the United States. The guy ought to be — and I’m not for the death penalty — so, if I’m not for the death penalty,there’s only one way to do it, illegally shoot the son of a bitch.” 


31 Comments on “Illegally Shoot the Son of a B!tch”: Bob Beckel Calls for Assassination of Julian Assange on TV

  1. ONCE AGAIN…the lefty Dhimms and Cankleites preach “do as we say, not as we do”…will the Secret Service deem it necessary to question Bobby about an openly spoken threat of murdering someone? Doubtful….will they haul her fat ass in to ask about all the murders trailing along in her flotsam? no way..is it a double standard of the rankest order? absolutely…so why do the NTs stubbornly support a scumbag like Cruz (I am a Texan, and he is unfortunately a Senator from Texas)? Do they really want to hand over the WH to Cankles??? Cruz will never win, and after the next cycle, probably will be removed from Congress…

  2. Hey Bob, Miss Trixie called and said she’d be available for her special brand of therapy right after she finishes aligning Algore’s chakras, but she said cash, no checks this time.

  3. Pickle brain Beckel, spewing sour stupidities, still. Where are your keepers Bob? They need to put a chip in you, so they can find you when you get out of the institution, without your leash and muzzle.

  4. His principles don’t agree with shooting someone in self defense, so the only way to shoot someone is illegally in his mind.

    He isn’t up to tune with the illegal murders lately coming from the DNC. He should have done a fortune telling suicide or a weightlifting accident.

    Now, will someone please buy Beckel some stretch bands?

  5. Beckel, what a scumbag.
    I didn’t like him when he was a stupid, mean drunk bastard.
    Now he’s just mean and stupid bastard.
    Fox gets what they pay for….are they trying to lose all their audience? If so, keep him on. It’ll work.

  6. Isn’t this the booze and cocaine addled moron who was extorted by a hooker who he paid $1300 (by check) to perform a sex act on him? Why is this disgusting person even a platform to spew his verbal diarrhea?

  7. Bob, you’re a fat, greasy, repulsive piece of ass* leather. (*the donkey kind, of course. /innocent)
    No one listens to you, when my younger brother used to watch the five a lot a year or so ago, he used to* (no wait, still does) laugh and ask, ‘man, why is it so hard for Beckel to get his words out? Is he always drunk??? Did he damage his brain???” I think it goes deeper than that though, Bob Beckel is so DEEPLY ingrained into the democratic way of life, that it’s literally turned him into a miserable pile of squishy s h i t. Simple as that. His brain died when his soul did.

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