Illegals Cost US Taxpayers Over $90 Billion Per Year – IOTW Report

Illegals Cost US Taxpayers Over $90 Billion Per Year

GP: Over the past several weeks I’ve posted how much illegals cost Ohio, Maryland, North Carolina, Texas and California taxpayers. The amounts were staggering to say the least, but someone asked me what is the annual cost to taxpayers incurred by illegals for the entire United States.


I turned to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The figures they provided are listed in the graphic below.

13 Comments on Illegals Cost US Taxpayers Over $90 Billion Per Year

  1. No other country in the world has been as generous to immigrants than the U.S. We even have songs about being a U.S. immigrant and praising those immigrants. We’ve even looked the other way (at least our politicians have) when we knew certain countries were emptying their prisons on us.

    I don’t think anyone can blame us now when our borders are being assaulted, our laws are being broken and our sovereignty is on the line. This isn’t a problem Donald Trump caused, but it’s one he can fix.

  2. And I’m guessing this $90 billion figure doesn’t come close to capturing the true cost. I looked for details on how the figures were derived but could find none. I suspect that this figure is derived from federal statistics (like the bogus 5% unemployment figure) which we all know are staggering lies.

    I’m guessing things like providing “free” public school “education” for all the children of illegals, incarceration costs, personal / corporate costs of theft / other property crimes, bad debts for medical care and other services, costs of govt. personnel for tracking illegals (border patrol, “immigration” courts, etc.), welfare and other govt. subsidies which the govt falsely claims are not available to illegals and monies taken out of our economy by remissions made to the countries of origin for the criminal invaders (to name just a few off the top of my head) are not accounted for in this figure. I’m sure that the federal govt. doesn’t keep any statistics on these types of financial costs to America. I’m equally sure that opportunity costs like wages lost / reduced by Americans due to cheap, illegal labor are not accounted for either.

    It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the real cost of criminal invaders exceeds $500 billion or more annually. Whatever it costs to get all of the criminal invaders out of the US is money well spent.

  3. Send the bill to Mexico. 90 Billion should be a good start toward the erection of a fence between the US and the cesspool to our South. The 20 million criminal invaders in this country should be chased out of the shadows and be assigned the job of building the fence on their way back home. They could do the job Americans shouldn’t have to do!

  4. $90 Billion per year spent on 11 Million illegal invading rat-people comes to $8,181.82 per rat-person per year?

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    We’re wasting more than that on education or incarceration.

  5. 90 billion? Not even close. All analysis comes up to a minimum $500 billion. This does not include property damaged, thefts, shoplifting, medical bills for victims of assault and rape and the enormous costs of 2,500 dead from car accidents and 2,500 murdered every year. Illegals kill more every year than we lost in Vietnam.
    The figure is probably closer to $1 TRILLION>

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