Illegals Fleeing to Canada Find Even Liberal Canada Has Limits to Freebies – IOTW Report

Illegals Fleeing to Canada Find Even Liberal Canada Has Limits to Freebies

Gee, Canada sounds rayciss.


With renewed pressure brought to bear by President Donald Trump on illegal aliens in the U.S., Canada is warning immigrants here that illegally crossing into Canada is not a free ticket to permanent residency and they can still be deported back to their point of origin if they steal across America’s northern border.

With many illegal immigrants becoming uneasy over their status in the U.S., some are eyeing a trip northward to a country many are told will accept everyone and give them lots of free stuff to boot.

But Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s immigration minister, recently warned illegals that they shouldn’t waltz into Canada and necessarily expect to get cradle to the grave freebies, according to the New York Times.

Hussen, who was an immigrant to Canada himself, warned illegals that while Canada is a welcoming country, they won’t take everyone who illegally crosses into the country.

“We don’t want people to illegally enter our border, and doing so is not a free ticket to Canada,” Hussen said . “We are saying, ‘You will be apprehended, screened, detained, fingerprinted, and if you can’t establish a genuine claim, you will be denied refugee protection and removed.’”  Keep reading- it gets worse.

11 Comments on Illegals Fleeing to Canada Find Even Liberal Canada Has Limits to Freebies

  1. Sounds like the left has been making a lot of headway replacing anglo’s in government positions in Canada too. It’s a sure way to turn a country into another third world shithole.

  2. And here I thought that freebies added to the economy! The more freebies you give away the more you end up having. Like the pot of gold that never empties
    no matter how much you take out!

  3. These people will never have a good country because they don’t understand what it takes to have one. They are driven by envy and only seek to take from those who have more.

  4. I guess Canada’s liberal regressives haven’t yet learned that illegals + freebies is the gateway drug to higher vote returns.

    Our Republican establishment hasn’t learned that one either unfortunately. If they did they would all be on the Trump train to build the wall and kick em all out so the Dems don’t get them. Except maybe the GOPe would prefer being a permanent cuckold minority party.

  5. Just round them up and dump them off in the numbers that have been jumping the border here.

    Oh, 1,000 is too many? Here’s 10,000.
    You don’t like that? Here’s 100,000.
    Don’t have enough maple syrup to accommodate ’em? Huh.
    Here’s 15 Fucking million of them.

    Shut your goddamn poutine holes about our busines.

  6. @organgrinder: “These people will never have a good country because they don’t understand what it takes to have one. They are driven by envy and only seek to take from those who have more.”

    +100 TU

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