Illegals flock to Canada – IOTW Report

Illegals flock to Canada


Montana Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke told Just the News that the Biden administration is neglecting the security of the United States’ northern border.

Zinke, the interior secretary under former President Trump and cofounder of the new Northern Border Security Caucus, said illegal migrants and deadly fentanyl are both flooding into the U.S. via the northern border.

“We are not paying attention to our northern border,” Zinke said in an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “As an example, about 3.1 million lethal doses of fentanyl were intercepted in the northern border — that’s enough to kill Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas.

“Canada has a much different system on visa than the U.S., so … a lot of people will come to Canada because it’s easier, and then they just walk across the border.” MORE

7 Comments on Illegals flock to Canada

  1. I live on the border with Canada in Michigan separated by a river.
    Border patrol catches illegals all summer crossing over mostly downriver from us. They’re usually Asian. Almost always Chinese when they do occasionally mention nationality.

  2. We’re not “paying attention” to either of our borders.

    The “Plan” is to flood the US with illegal-alien invading rat-people and drugs – and it’s working wonderfully well (for those whose aim is the destruction of America).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Cool! First two stories at IOTW this morning is good news for Americans. Keep right on going into Canada, hopefully Quebec. You’ll learn to speak French. There’s sheets to be changed, pots and pans to wash, lawns to mow, blow and go. Life will be grand in Trudeau land.

  4. Illegals flock to Canada

    Bad for Canada, good for the U.S.!

    Now, if only those flocking illegals would STAY in Canada and not come south. And that goes for those poop-factory geese as well.


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