Illegals From Central American Caravan Caught Scaling The Border Fences – IOTW Report

Illegals From Central American Caravan Caught Scaling The Border Fences

DC: The caravan of migrants from Central America seeking asylum in the U.S. has arrived at the border, and some people associated with the group have already been caught scaling the border fences.

“Several groups of people associated with the Central American caravan” illegally entered the U.S. “by climbing over the dilapidated scrap metal border fence on either side of the San Ysidro Port of Entry,” Rodney S. Scott, chief of the Border Patrol in the San Diego sector, which sits just north of Tijuana, told reporters Saturday.

He said the migrants included “children as young as 4 years old and in one case a pregnant female.” He called it “unconscionable that anyone would expose a child to these dangerous conditions.”

Five busloads of migrants were escorted Sunday through Tijuana to a cross-border rally near San Diego, where supporters gathered on both sides of the fence, The Associated Press reports. Images from the rally show apparent migrants from the Mexican side sitting atop the border wall proudly waving what appears to be the Honduran flag, the banner of the country from which many of the migrants are trying to flee.  more here

19 Comments on Illegals From Central American Caravan Caught Scaling The Border Fences

  1. Wouldn’t any action taken by Mexican authorities (or any OTHER ORGANIZATION – American or not) to assist these invaders be considered seditious and illegal and subject to arrest and or a military response by the United States?

    The old adage applies -enforce LEGAL immigration and send these parasites back.

  2. America’s own refugee homeless need priority support before any foreign refugees are processed. Where are the supporters and protestors supporting our own?

  3. Either the country’s worth defending – or it isn’t.
    Either the border’s worth defending – or it isn’t.

    There simply is no middle ground.

    I really can’t understand our politicians’ lust for allowing the alien-invading rat-people infest our country. I understand the nihilistic/totalitarian/Demonrat desire for vote fraud and bankrupting America through welfare expansion, but how does one explain the so-called Republicans?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They have known that they were coming for months. The fake media have been tracking them from the beginning. All our agents had to do was watch TV and be there to stop them!

  5. You can be certain that when any of these human ticks finds a place to burrow in here in the U.S. they’ll continue to wave that flag.
    They’re laughing at us for our stupid policies and thumbing their noses with contempt at those of us that want them out.

  6. It would seem that Mexico made no move to stop this caravan as it moved through the country now should suffer some consequences of their lack of action. Trump ought to sign an executive order banning remittance payment to Mexico unless it can be proven where the sender got the money and that they are in the US legally.

  7. They DEMAND amnesty. They DEMAND citizenship. They DEMAND healthcare. They DEMAND an education. They DEMAND welfare. They DEMAND we accept their culture.
    They DEMAND that this is their land. When will WE make some DEMANDS of our own?

  8. Just because they aren’t carrying guns doesn’t mean we aren’t being invaded. Start firing over their heads. Or just escort them to California were they will be welcomed with open arms and given lots of free stuff paid for by Tax slaves.

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