Illegals Have Taken Over California Construction Jobs – IOTW Report

Illegals Have Taken Over California Construction Jobs

Pamela Geller for Dr. Rich Swier

A whistleblower who works in the construction industry in southern California said illegals have “taken over every trade” in his business, and wages are suffering.

The whistleblower made the claim while speaking with Progressives for Immigration Reform.

He said he’s been working in the industry since the 1980s, and has seen the transformation up close and personal.


Hey progressives!!! How are your policies helping the working class American?


21 Comments on Illegals Have Taken Over California Construction Jobs

  1. Good grief deport them ALL. Trump admin needs to cut all fed funding from Calif and let them turn the place into 3rd world shithole as they seem to insist

  2. I doesn’t help that construction unions are more concerned with the Democrat agenda then helping there members. I’m in the IBEW in NYC. At our last meeting we asked to go and rally for illegal immigrants rights. This was right after where told how much work where losing to non-union. Most non-union jobs are done by illegals.

  3. Sorry but it appears that illegals and greenies have taken over construction jobs in PA and MD as well.

    Go to Walmart on Saturday afternoon and the parking lots are full of little brown people in trucks and construction vehicles.

  4. My sister bought a new home
    the construction company built
    with “illegals” labor. She enjoyed
    700 screw pops in the sheet rock
    ceiling, self-removing siding
    and a sagging roof missing the occasional support joists.

  5. Progressive/socialist Unions by and large support illegal immigration. Either the illegal immigrants pay the Union bosses under the table or become members of the Union.

  6. This works well for those who have a 10 million dollar house, flatten it and build a 50 million dollar house, sell it to someone who will flatten it and build a 100 million dollar house, etc.
    The people who take their money off the top don’t worry about the basic middle class economy.
    Eddit knot kneeded, the iphone fixxes JR fer me.

  7. The affected American workers should file a class action lawsuit against the Government for failure to uphold the laws of the land based on a similar premise used by the black farmers who had been denied government loans! They won!

  8. It is very true and it’s true for just about every industry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, roofing, framing, sheet rock.

    I think every state requires licenses for plumbing, electrical and HVAC, yet at least in my state these Mexicans start up businesses with no license. Then people who don’t know any better hire them because they gave the lowest quote. That in turn not only hurts wages, but it hurts legitimate businesses. I talked to a State Senator about it and just to show Republicans are idiots as well, he said, “They can’t legally operate a business.” Yeah, the same as it’s illegal for them to be here anyway, illegal for them to drive cars without a license or tag, what’s one more illegal act? They get a fine for contracting without a license, like that scares them or they even pay it.

  9. It goes much deeper than corporations. There is a general slack in standards with lower end workers that affect quality right down the line. I get to inspect their work a lot. 50/50 on good-work/you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me

    Soo many stories I could share on this. I think the most common aspect of them that pisses me off, of my own experiences, is the initial, reflexive, anti-American nature of their attitude when in a group.

    When you get Gringo-ed with “No Habla” when they damn well do and will habla just fine a minute later when they see it’s to their benefit.

    BTW – The guys that hang out for work every day by the grocery store here? None of them will work for $5 an hour.

  10. The construction industry here in Southern Oregon was taken over by hispanics at least 15 years ago, and now they are moving into retail, as companies try to add “diversity” to their workforce, (due no doubt to pressure from left-wing advocacy groups). Being retired, we travel throughout the western U.S.; every single road construction crew we see is dominated by hispanics, with nary a white person in sight.

  11. Florida, especially South Florida is completely overrun with $10 an hour or worse Latino Illegal Alien construction workers who can’t speak a word of English and use the stairways, closets, corners of the building under construction as places to relieve themselves and the work is substandard. The construction industry used to have many entry level jobs paying a decent starting wage and opportunities for advancement for Americans but no more.

    Ice needs to start raiding all of the construction projects and deporting all the illegals employed on these sites in South Florida. There is a large unemployed labor pool of Americans who would gladly fill the need.

  12. I worked in a lumber yard retail store for awhile and illegals would come in with “shopping lists” given to them by their boss because they couldn’t speak English. If there was a problem there was no way to communicate except with grunts and nods. Sheesh.
    By the way I would rather have been doing one of those jobs Americans won’t do than working in a lumber yard.

  13. I’ve said it before, if you want to stop illegals from taking jobs start arresting and prosecuting the contractors and construction company owners who encourage and abet this activity. I don’t mean some piddling little fine but huge monetary sanctions along with jail time and a criminal record. Make sure that along with the guy with the pickup stopping by Walmart at 6:AM to get 10 workers you get the CEO level managers and owners. You also have to make sure your local, state and federal politicos don’t step in to try to stop the process because they’ve got a pocket full of cash from the guys getting arrested. Start having ICE agents show up at Walmart for ten workers and then truck them right to detention centers and from there on transport back to Mexico the next day.

  14. Try getting a fast food job in Southren California if you are not a bilingual Mexican.
    They, and their anchor babies, need to be driven out by whatever means necessary!
    They are THAT toxic.


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