Illegals Who Allegedly Broke Into Joe Burrow’s Home Posted Photos Posing with Loot – IOTW Report

Illegals Who Allegedly Broke Into Joe Burrow’s Home Posted Photos Posing with Loot

Breitbart– The feds have busted a gang of illegal migrant alleged burglars who posted photos of themselves with high-dollar items stolen from NFL quarterback Joe Burrow’s home.

The group of migrants from Chile were arrested after the December 9 break-in of the Bengals player’s Cincinnati home where about $300,000 in luxury items were stolen when he was at an away game, according to the New York Post.

The alleged crooks posed for photos wearing Burrow’s expensive watches, and displaying Louis Vuitton luggage and wads of cash. more here

10 Comments on Illegals Who Allegedly Broke Into Joe Burrow’s Home Posted Photos Posing with Loot

  1. I live in the Cincinnati area. I dont care about sportsball, but even without following them I can tell you the Bengals suck.

    And looking at that “male” jewelry collection (particularly the “JB9” necklace), it is definitively apparent that Joe Burrows has horrible tastes as no amount of money can change how tacky any of that is.

  2. For Christmas Santa brought me a few more steel pistol targets. Well last week end I was scheduled to go shoot with the crew. I forgot to go to Home Depot to pick up some two by fours for the targets. So I ended up at Ace, early in the morning. Longest two by fours they had were 42 inches. Weird size. My pals were like, I we shooting midgets today? Which I replied Hell no. We’re shooting Venezuelan street gangs. That produced a good laugh. We named them all. None of them survived.

  3. How fucking stupid do you have to be to take a photo with all the stuff you ripped off from a well known public figure? They deserve Gitmo for just being that fucking stupid.


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