Illinois College Students Want Hate-Crime Culprit Expelled — Until They Find Out Who She Is – IOTW Report

Illinois College Students Want Hate-Crime Culprit Expelled — Until They Find Out Who She Is

PJM- Someone really should do something about all the racism on college campuses. Among those Leftist institutions there appears to be more racist-y racist racism than anywhere else in rest of the United States of America. People worried about racism should think about pulling their students out of these Leftist institutions that produce all these racists. more

11 Comments on Illinois College Students Want Hate-Crime Culprit Expelled — Until They Find Out Who She Is

  1. Notice how the exact same actions is not called a hate crime when a non-white student does it in order to make it appear that white students did it. That seems like the epitome of a hate crime against all white students with a degree of evil communist mindfuck thrown in.

  2. Cynic — You can’t remember any because there haven’t been any. I can’t remember who is keeping a tally but, so far, there are dozens and dozens if not hundreds.

    Kids are seeking attention or meaning or a way to increase their popularity, I guess. Maybe she was a big fish in her high school clique and now she’s a lowly frosh at college.

  3. Hate crimes aren’t real, they are a construct of the left to provide special rights to any group they deem are ‘victims’. (Eric Holder said whites can’t be victims of a hate crime.)

  4. Hate crime hoaxes are rare? Jussie Smollett was not available for comment.

    A few years ago around the time of the Cavanaugh hearings as I recall, an anchor on one of the news channels here in the Great White North said she had never heard of a false accusation of rape. Mind you, this was AFTER the Duke Lacrosse case.

  5. A fellow student’s reputation was sullied because she was wrongly accused. Her peers wanted her tossed off campus. Where does she go to get her reputation back?

    Somebody else stole her identity? Fake signed her up to such a club? Then newsed her membership?

    Otherwise, that stain’s on you, dear.

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