Illinois Dem Sean Casten Pushes for ‘Clean Energy’ Subsidies That Would Pad His Pocket – IOTW Report

Illinois Dem Sean Casten Pushes for ‘Clean Energy’ Subsidies That Would Pad His Pocket

WFB: Illinois Democratic representative Sean Casten has urged Congress to spend billions of dollars on “tax credits for clean energy.” Excluded from his pitch is any mention of his ownership stake in an alternative energy company that would benefit from such spending.

Casten on Monday joined environmental advocates at a “Climate Action Now” rally, imploring his House colleagues to pass President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending plan with “no compromises” on subsidies and incentives for the alternative energy sector. Casten did not divulge his vested financial interest in those provisions.

According to Casten’s latest financial disclosure, the Democrat holds an ownership stake in Greenleaf Power, a self-described “leading provider of renewable energy in North America.” The company, its website states, sells carbon-neutral electricity to “municipal, public power, and investor owned utilities.” Biden’s multitrillion-dollar bill, meanwhile, Includes a $150 billion program to compel electric and municipal power providers to purchase more renewable energy.

The value of Casten’s stake in Greenleaf is unclear. While the Democrat Reported holding up to $500,000 in the company in 2019, his 2020 financial disclosure asserts that the asset holds no value, even though Casten earned up to $2,500 in interest income that year. Casten did not return multiple requests for comment on the discrepancy. The revelation could undermine Casten’s Charge to “prioritize climate action at the scale science demands” in Biden’s spending plan. The Democrat has Argued Explicitly for $273 billion in “tax credits for clean energy” without acknowledging his alternative energy investments. Casten has also aligned with liberals to attack partymates who oppose the spending, including Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.).  MORE

6 Comments on Illinois Dem Sean Casten Pushes for ‘Clean Energy’ Subsidies That Would Pad His Pocket

  1. “… and he’s not the only one …”
    The whole “Green Energy” bullshit is a scam – the point is to separate taxpayers from their money.
    Plants are the most efficient form of storing the Sun’s energy – and every physicist on Earth knows it – those who spout otherwise are being paid to lie.
    (nuclear is more energy per cc, but it doesn’t store Solar (except in a very long-term, convoluted sense) – and when we learn how to break the strings … or capture the Strong Force … well …)

    izlamo delenda est …


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