Illinois Governor Agrees to Allow Medicaid Coverage for Abortions – IOTW Report

Illinois Governor Agrees to Allow Medicaid Coverage for Abortions

Goodbye “Land of Lincoln”, hello “Neo Carthage.”  How fitting that that the high priest of Moloch’s, aka Obama, home state is now publicly funding the murder of babies.

Now that public funds are being used can they really claim a “right to privacy”?   -Pelopidas


 Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner ended months of speculation Thursday and signed legislation allowing state health insurance and Medicaid coverage for abortions, a reversal of the first-term Republican’s stance on the proposal last spring.

The Legislature, which is run by Democrats, approved the measure in May but delayed sending it to Rauner until Monday, in part because he has wavered on where he stands. As a candidate, Rauner supported expanding coverage for abortions, but in April said he opposed the legislation and Illinois should focus on economic issues.




15 Comments on Illinois Governor Agrees to Allow Medicaid Coverage for Abortions

  1. I wonder how many of these infants are lost because their “mothers” use abortion as birth control or because they’re too lazy to use a condom or too dumb to read the instructions. The Blacks falling to third place in the racial sweepstakes can be directly linked to Planned Parenthoods active pursuit of them as customers thus fulfilling their founders fondest wish for the group.

  2. The party of death. We can’t pay for what we have so we will just add killing babies to health benefits. In the long run this will save money, right? Well, at least it’s the moral thing to do.

  3. As a resident of the once great state of Illinois, this is so upsetting on so many levels. First and foremost is the murder of babies that will now go up to staggering amounts since it will be free to any and all. Second, I just saw my weekly paycheck drop by a significant amount due to the state’s tax increase. So, not only am I bringing home less money, my money will now be used to fund murder by godless democrats. If the Calexit works, we HAVE to split Illinois in to two states – Chicago and the smart people who live outside of Chicago.

  4. Probably rationalized by the bean counters as being more economical to sangerize the fetus, than pay welfare for the next lifetime.
    It is sad, but is it even legal to spend federal tax dollars for abortion? The gov’t can’t send money overseas, as part of an aid package, for that purpose, but it can be done here? I guess it might be so- we enforce other country’s borders, but not our own.

  5. The “republicans” in Illinois have fucked their constituents time and time again by caving to the criminal Chicago dem machine. Spineless, self-serving assholes are the norm here in Illinois. There are a handful of exceptions at most.

  6. I have lived in both California and Illinois. If I move to Oregon and then Washington, I may be in the running for the “I have lived in the most fucked up states” sweepstakes.

  7. Illinois, proving that Black Lives Don’t Matter. They don’t matter when black youth shoot each other. Now they don’t matter when black women abort their babies.

    Protests and marches to start in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . What? Nevermind.

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