CBS Chicago
Police officers who shot and killed a man who was wielding a chainsaw inside a seniors’ assisted living center in St. Charles, Illinois, in December will not face any criminal charges, Kane County prosecutors announced on Tuesday.
Daniel H. Escalera, of Stockwell, Indiana, was shot and killed by police at the River Glen of St. Charles assisted living facility on Dec. 1, 2024.
Kane County State’s Attorney Jamie Mosser’s office reviewed an Illinois State Police investigation of the shooting, and announced Tuesday that the shooting was justified, and none of the officers involved will face any criminal charges. More
That’s a good shoot.
One less weirdo Hoosier.
I’m cool with that.
I guess it becomes the 23 Foot Rule if the guy has a two-foot chain saw.
Sorry the shooting was necessary, but it sure seems it WAS necessary.
“Shop Smart; Shop S-MART!”
Just down the road in the next county and I never heard anything about it.
And once again, was do I carry?
“On the video, Escalera falls to the ground after being shot and officers can then be seen handcuffing him and providing first aid while calling for paramedics. ”
…I looked at their Web site and this is NOT a skilled care facility, or “Nursing Home”, but mostly an assisted living facility which means a minimum of more expensive medical staff: however, “Minimum” does not mean “None”. I know they hire at LEAST to the LPN level as they have an ad on their site for one, and where Im going with this is, why didnt the medical staff of the facility try to, you know, help the cops out and maybe save a life? Cops are cops, they do train for GSWs and such but it isnt really their bag and not their primary purpose. An LPN should know a little something about this too and more besides, and hopefully have access to some more advanced stuff as well, you know, in case a PATIENT had an emergency.
And I bet if I could dig a bit more, Id find an RN or a NP or maybe even an actual MD was on the premesis somewhere, depending on the time of day, as such DO have to supervise the massive distribution of drugs that such places see, even if their character is not skilled care.
I get they may be rattled what with chainsaws and tasers and cops with aiming issues and all, but geeze, the dude has a hole in his chest and that kinda knocks the threat level WAY down. Maybe go, IDK, ask the cops if theyd like a little professional help, or maybe some of the house Band-Aids for the cop who got hit with the chainsaw?
…it just annoys me in this modern era how lightly duty seems to rest on the shoulders of the new generation. I grew up around medically trained folks at ALL levels from pre-gay Boy Scouts trained in first aid right through attending physicians, and while the level of skill and attitude could vary wildly within these groups, the level of dedication rarely did. It may have been offered fearfully or grudgingly, but NONE of these would refuse to offer help to someone in critical need, you know, like a bullet hole in the chest.
But that was then.
…theres a lot I dont know here, maybe the cops kept them away, maybe they were in another building, maybe a lot of things. But once dude was down, the perimeter cops should have been inudated with offers of help from whatever personnel WERE there, but nothing is mentioned beyond paramedics in an ambulace and it would have taken longer for them to drive there than for an LPN to run from one building to another, just sayin’ …
chain saw to a gun fight?
…I want to know his chainsaw brand, BTW. I have a Husqvarna that I have to step on to start (its actually DESIGNED to be stepped on to start), but HIS sure seemed to start a LOT easier than MINE ever did…
Bro, change the spark plug. I have a Husky chainsaw. I thought I’d probably over bought for my predicted use. Shit I use that thing damn near every week end. Most chainsaws are designed to put your foot though the trigger guard. But if your a weight lifter you just grab that bitch and give it a yank. Mine fires first pull. Also, that premixed gas you can buy in the quart cans is the shit. In fact most new saws only warranty the saw if you use their premix.
Friday, 21 March 2025, 18:43 at 6:43 pm
“In fact most new saws only warranty the saw if you use their premix.”
…yup, thats how they did me. Had to buy a BUNCH of quart cans to get a warranty.
Its a great saw once it gets going, dont get me wrong. But its had that initial reluctance since I brought it home, but it probably is time for a new spark…
Yea, somethings not right. I have a LOT of hours on mine and like I say it starts with one pull. The pro’s use two saws, Stihl and Husky.
My saw is hard to get your foot through the hand guard. Changing the battery is pretty easy though.