Illinois Museum Mismanages Money, May Lose Lincoln Artifacts to Pay off Debt – IOTW Report

Illinois Museum Mismanages Money, May Lose Lincoln Artifacts to Pay off Debt


Abraham Lincoln’s iconic stovepipe hat is among items that may be auctioned off to meet a dire debt payment deadline, the Washington Post reports. Short a $9.7 million infusion, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Foundation has approved the search for an auctioneer to sell the hat and other items, like the blood-stained gloves Lincoln wore the night he was assassinated. These are the highlights among 1,400 objects in the Barry and Louise Taper Collection, which includes the quill pen left on his desk, his presidential seal, and the Lincoln White House china, the AP notes. The foundation paid $25 million in 2007 for the Taper collection, $23 million of which was borrowed.


10 Comments on Illinois Museum Mismanages Money, May Lose Lincoln Artifacts to Pay off Debt

  1. Maybe someone could shave $9.7 million off Illinois $500 million Obama Center for Indoctrination. After all, the Barack Obama Expressway leads to Lincoln’s Library. Take away that destination and it will go to absolutely no where.

  2. One of the best museums ever.
    One thing I noticed while visiting: the Democrat Media Mafia HATED Lincoln, and was vicious to him throughout his whole term. Press clippings are posted throughout the museum. Very vile.
    Yeah – Presidents Lincoln and Trump have that in common, too.

  3. Now watch sumbody with a chip on their shoulder and a lot of money (say maybe someone with the initials like, oh say Tom Steyer for instance) buy the hat just to “disappear” it. This is the danger of letting situation like this deteriorate and allowing someone with bad intentions and a lot of money buy history and burn it.

  4. The Land of Lincoln reverted back to The State of Slaves once the Democrats took over.

    GoFundMe campaign has raised a mere $23k. Peter Strzok $400k+ in 3 days and counting. Sounds about right.
    Btw, whoever started GFM had to be welfare recipients as its basic purpose is asking ppl to send money to other ppl who neither deserve or need it.

  5. Sometimes the old saying about building something and “they” will come, never materialized in this venture. Even after B-Rock claimed to be exactly like Lincoln!

  6. Close the museum and give the collections to the Smithsonian.
    Then sell the building, or rent it out until they pay off the loan.
    How did they think they were going to pay off the 20 million? With T-shirt sales from the gift shop?

  7. Even Alfred E Neuman would’ve made a better president than barry did. And there is no comparison between barry and Lincoln. Lincoln freed the slaves, barry and the democraps just reenslaved them back onto the democrap plantation. And now even some and enough of the blacks are pissed off enough to vote for Trump because he has done more for them and all the rest of the American people in 2 years than barry did in 8 yrs. and the democraps since LBJ over the past 50+ yrs. Lincoln was really from the heartland, barry never was, he came from God knows where but it sure as hell wasn’t anyplace but a place where America is hated thanks to his communistic upbringing.

  8. Just wait until they get done with the Obozo indoctrination center. The concession will have to sell a staggering amount of anal lube and amyl nitrate to keep the doors open.


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