Illinois: Planned Parenthood Secretly Builds ‘Megaclinic’ – IOTW Report

Illinois: Planned Parenthood Secretly Builds ‘Megaclinic’

Daily Signal: Planned Parenthood secretly has built an 18,000-square-foot “megaclinic” in southern Illinois, 10 to 15 miles from the last abortion clinic in neighboring Missouri, which is in a fight to keep its license. 

The nation’s largest abortion provider built the nearly complete facility in secret to circumvent protests and other setbacks that could suspend construction, said Colleen McNicholas, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri.

“We were really intentional and thoughtful about making sure that we were able to complete this project as expeditiously as possible because we saw the writing on the wall—patients need better access, so we wanted to get it open as quickly as we could,” McNicholas told CBS News.

Construction started in August 2018, with Planned Parenthood using “a shell company to construct the facility, leaving no public trace that the former medical office would become one of the largest abortion clinics in the country,” according to CBS News, which visited the construction site in August, about a year later.  READ MORE

19 Comments on Illinois: Planned Parenthood Secretly Builds ‘Megaclinic’

  1. I wonder why nobody ever mentions Planned Parenthood of being one of the principle responsible parties in Blacks going from the second largest ethnic group to the third after Hispanics. Another would be illegal immigration essentially condoned by most American Presidents with the exception of Reagan (who though he could trust Democrats to keep their part of an immigration deal) and Trump.

  2. Not mentioned is the city – Fairview Heights. Which is about 10 miles from East St. Louis – a city that is almost exclusively black, with lots of poverty and where single mom households make up over 40% of the population. Pretending that the new clinic will serve other states where abortion services are difficult to obtain is horseshit – these fine progressives are targeting blacks.

    Margaret Sanger would be so proud.

  3. Doesn’t seem like the act of an organization that’s particularly proud of what they do and believe in the contribution they make to society.

    Strip clubs and peep shows have more dignity.

  4. Have to keep the baby parts coming, so they can sell them for big bucks.

    Yet some people consider the way Trump lives as a vulgar display of wealth.

    How fucked up do you have to be to sell baby body parts?

  5. Years ago Planned Parenthood started construction of an extermination and execution factory in the blackest part of Portland, Or. Trade Unions found out what the building was going to be used for, refused to build. Not unusual to see Christians from many denominations, not just Catholics, out front praying the Rosary.

  6. PP should change its name to Murder, Inc.

    Why not? PP’s leaders are worse gangsters than the old Murder, Inc. guys. Killing babies and then selling their parts is something the old gangsters never thought of. They never stooped so low or got to that level of evil.


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