Illinois Power Company Execs Should Get the Chair – IOTW Report

Illinois Power Company Execs Should Get the Chair

Just the News

A jury found four former Commonwealth Edison executives and lobbyists guilty Tuesday as part of an eight-year bribery and conspiracy scheme centered around former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan.

In the highest-profile corruption case in Illinois in more than a decade, the jury convicted the defendants on all counts.

“We’re tired of political corruption,” juror Amanda Schnitker Sayers said after the verdict. “We’re hoping this is a first step.”

The Chicago veterinarian put the blame on Madigan. More

11 Comments on Illinois Power Company Execs Should Get the Chair

  1. Bribery and Corruption was (is) the way of life in Illinois Democrat Politics and later learned by Republicans. Whether it’s political or governmental favors, business licenses, State EPA assessments, campaign finance, contracts of all sorts, vendors receiving preferential consideration, Patronage (jobs), expensive gifts, vacations, selling Real Estate and/or property at reduced value and a few years later buying it back at market value, Sports tickets (excellent seats), picking up bar tabs for office parties or just hand fulls of untraceable cash.

    Sad to say it’s not just Illinois, Illinois was just blatant thieves because they control the Governor’s Office, Both State Houses and appoint or bankroll the election of Judges.

  2. “the longest serving state legislative leader in U.S. history has been charged with 23 counts of racketeering”

    this may be bad but Trump was charged with 35 counts!

  3. Larry the liberal. President Trump’s charges were a first in American Jurisprudence. His charges are baseless. To this day, D A Bragg has not identified the foundation of the other 34 charges. D A Bragg claims he does not have to. A first in history. Bragg is an Affirmative Action selectee. He is not qualified for the position he holds. He is an embarrassment to the legal profession. Even liberals admit that. Bragg’s charges are purely political. This political stunt may cost Bragg prison time. The democrat machine knew this and figured Bragg is too stupid to figure out what the machine was up to. The democrats know Bragg is so stupid that he is expendable. Remember, communists and liberals hate President Trump more than they love America. Communists would rather see America lose everything than see President Trump win anything. Oh, and FJB. Have a nice day.


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