Illinois Town to Fund Reparations Program with Marijuana Sales Tax – IOTW Report

Illinois Town to Fund Reparations Program with Marijuana Sales Tax


An Illinois town has approved a measure to fund a local reparations program with proceeds from the purchase of recreational marijuana.

On Monday, Evanston aldermen voted 8-1 in favor of the proposal aimed at what officials believe will improve help the city’s black community. Local leaders eye marijuana dispensaries as an attractive source of revenue to reverse what they call the ongoing impact of institutional racist and persisting effects of slavery, according to the Chicago Tribune. “The fund will be capped at $10 million, according to city of Evanston staff reports. City estimates project the marijuana tax could generate $500,000 to $750,000 per year,” the newspaper noted.

However, Evanston officials face roadblocks in collecting adequate revenue from the plan as various suburbs have yet to approve the establishment of recreational marijuana dispensaries, despite them being scheduled to become legal in Illinois next year.

“We can implement funding to directly invest in black Evanston,” 5th Ward Alderman Robin Rue Simmons said of the measure.

The marijuana tax will be “invested in the community it unfairly policed and damaged,” Simmons added.

“This is a really special moment in the city of Evanston and also in the country,” stated Second Ward Alderman Peter Braithwaite.

The development comes as Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced resolutions to approve studies to examine reparations proposals for African Americans over slavery. more

36 Comments on Illinois Town to Fund Reparations Program with Marijuana Sales Tax

  1. Just wait till the donkey candidates hear about this. We will have fully legalized marijuana and reparations before you can roll joint. They will finally have something to campaign on other than orange man bad.

  2. These Prog Politicians will figure out a way to stuff 95% of this “Mary Jo” tax into their own pockets, while all the residents, other than the black ones, will be manipulating every Family Tree site they can to show they have some African bloodline in them, even from 10 generations ago. Can we say 1/1029th again? This will result in residents getting about $0.25 each per year.

  3. persisting effects of slavery… ???

    Show me one example of that. Other than idiotic ideas like this.

    13,575 blacks in Evanston (2010 consensus) divided by 1/2 mil in pot tax = $36.83 per black per year.

    What’s that, a case of pork rinds? 5 nails did at the salon?

  4. Sounds like something the Justice Brothers (the Rectums Sharpe and Jackson) probably engineered and will get a cut from. If we still had slavery, those assholes would be charging for rides on the Underground Railroad.

  5. …I think it’s safe to assume that 5th Ward Alderman Robin Rue Simmons has no interest in representing the WHITE citizens of her ward, who should stop paying taxes on the grounds that they have NO representation, and I’m pretty sure we fought a WAR over that once…

  6. “To the treasure of my people no man has a claim, because Smaug who stole it from us also robbed him of life or home. The treasure was not his that his evil deeds should be amended with a share of it.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Hobbit”

    …just because someone who looked vaguely like you was treated mean once, does not mean the rest of us owe you anything, even those of us that are allegedly a similar hue as the meany. The guy YOU want died 170 years ago, take it up with HIM…

  7. Most conductors on the Underground Railway were white evangelical Christians. The Abolitionist Movement was started by the Second Great Awakening. White Christians ended slavery in the US.

  8. Haven’t places that have legalized marijuana found that businesses dealing in legal marijuana are having a hard time of it because they have to collect taxes, whereas the illegal dealer don’t collect taxes and are therefore able to sell it cheaper?

  9. The whole reason Shitlinois legalized recreational marijuana was to appease the blacks. Limousine liberals think allowing blacks to smoke weed will make them less violent. The whole licensing system is setup to give preferential treatment to 1.) Black entrepreneurs 2.) People who were busted with weed. 3.) Women.

    So far, my unofficial tally has a large majority of townships, etc. declining to allow recreational marijuana sales. 3.5% of taxable revenue just isn’t enough to sway localities into allowing it. Oh, they still have to allow people to recreationally use it, they’ll just have to cross a boundary to buy it.

    Evanston is surrounded by towns that will not allow recreational sales. The city of Shotcago, obviously will allow sales to occur, so Evanston has to get on board.

    What they should do is implement a no tax black people policy. They’ll still get revenue from all the whites in Winnetka, Skokie, etc., and give blacks from all over the state reparations.

  10. @geeknerd November 30, 2019 at 12:27 pm

    > Most conductors on the Underground Railway were white evangelical Christians.

    Yet another of the reasons I, for one, welcome (some of) our new, beardy overlords.

  11. Supernightshade NOVEMBER 30, 2019 AT 1:12 PM

    …IL has basically outlawed any kind of carry, so look for this to be implemented THERE very, very soon…

    Probably not to be read or seen at this point in the thread, but I beg to differ sir. The only time I’m not carrying is ironically when wearing the “Security Uniform” on the weekends. Do I spend a lot of time in Evanston or the city, OH HELL NO! Still Anywhere I go I will be carrying or I don’t go…

    E-mail ya tomorrow…

  12. @Anymouse…my reciprocity map always shows IL in bright red and they used to try to arrest people who stopped to get GAS in IL until the Federal Government put a stop to it on the highways, so I am not permitted to carry there as an outsider…It also looked like they didnt take “shall issue” very seriously even for IN staters from what I’ve read, but maybe my info is out of date…

  13. Just give em the dope – they’ll be happier.
    Everybody knows that all the niggrahs want is dope, muscatel, and a warm place to ____ .

    izlamo delenda est …


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