I’m a Conservative, I Demand My Respect! – IOTW Report

I’m a Conservative, I Demand My Respect!


CNN anchor Don Lemon suggested on Friday evening that the record-low unemployment rate for black Americans does not mean a thing so long as black Americans still do not have “full respect” during President Donald Trump’s presidency.

“There’s no question today’s job report is good news, including the news that we’re as closest we’ve ever been to full employment in the black community,” Lemon conceded before asking, “But what’s full employment without full respect?”


20 Comments on I’m a Conservative, I Demand My Respect!

  1. What a stupid child like turd.
    If Trump turned the 20T$ debt to
    a 100t$ surplus,paved all the streets in gold.
    Built 3 story mansions on 4 acres of land for
    every black person in America.Made sure every black
    had a triple PHD and 5 million$ in the bank.It would
    still not be good enough for the half-breed Lemon.

  2. Don Lemon of CNN the most disrespected site for the latest, breaking partisan, racist, fake news.

    Lemon, has earned nothing but scorn for his Jr. Varsity partisan propaganda style journalism.
    No respect for donny boy lemon and less for those who listen to his tripe.

  3. Respect would mean if Trump tried to talk with a Negro dialect and carried hot sauce in his murse……and maybe held a beer summit. Let the actions of democraps be his guide……of course that still wouldn’t work.

  4. In typical left-collectivist and anti-individualist fashion, Lemon thinks that because HE is a black man who gets no respect, that ALL black men get no respect. If I cared even a tiny bit about what he thinks, I would laugh at him.

    (For the record, this failure of thinking is known as the fallacy of faulty or hasty generalization.)

  5. Gee, Don, you have to EARN respect.
    It is never freely given – in fact, it cannot be.
    If it seems to be freely given – IT AIN’T RESPECT! It’s pandering.

    See how that works?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. If you want respect, real respect that means something, and not just lip service paid by fakes and weaklings, then get out there and EARN it. Show you are worthy of the respect of other humans and you may get some. The way you are now you will NEVER earn mine.

  7. How could any rational person have any respect for a CNN mouthpiece like Lemon. Don lacks any credibility. Why watch his show or give his opinion any credence?

  8. IMO, queers are at the top of the liberal shit pile for having disturbed minds and perverted views about everything, including economics. They have rejected normal healthy sex, and that rejection affects everything else they think about.

    The queers are handmaids to tyranny because they willingly turn truth into lies and lies into truth. They are completely untrustworthy.

  9. I work with a fair number of black folks and I would tell Don Lemon’s gay ass the same thing I tell them:

    Money is freedom. Money is speech. Money, derived from your efforts, forces others to seek your respect. The more of it you have, the less dependent you are on the opinions of others. It enables you to leave a bad situation. To remove shit people from your life. To control your future. And how everyone else looks at you.

    Keep your fake respect. I’ll take money every time.


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