I’m a Hillary Voter – Add My Name – IOTW Report

I’m a Hillary Voter – Add My Name

I stumbled on an ad that said, “I’m a Hillary voter. Add my name.”

So I added Laura Bush.  She’s hinted that she will be voting for Hillary because she likes how Hillary treats the women of Afghanistan. (That’s a pretty thin one-issue reason for flipping to the left, indicating to me that she was never fully on the right.)

She’s also angry about Trump’s remarks about stopping the influx of unvetted Muslim refugees at the border–

“One of the reasons we’re a country is because we believe in freedom of religion. We believe that people could be religious. They could choose any religion that they wanted to, or they could not worship, if they didn’t want to. We don’t have any religious test in the United States. And that’s what we need to remember. We need to remember what our values are.”

I will forever be indebted to Donald Trump for saving this country from another Bush in the white house.

Now, let’s stop Hillary, and don’t count on any help from the traitorous Bushes.

75 Comments on I’m a Hillary Voter – Add My Name

  1. What arrogant fools they are to think that even the least devout muslim does not believe that sharia *must* govern society. It is in their own scripture.

    Churchill wrote: “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, ther is this fearful fatalistic apathy….Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property–either as a child, a wife, or a concubine–must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

    Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.” The River War – An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan, 1899

  2. Czar — Under Trump’s proposed tax plan, Romney and his cronies will be taxed at a higher rate. I shouldn’t wonder why he is leading the charge (of racism) against him. Isn’t it refreshing that guys like Romney and wannabes like Ryan are showing themselves so plainly to America.

  3. Love that Churchill quote. I’ve been convinced for years that it was the reason Omohamid banished the Churchill bust from the “Offal Office.” The truth back when the Civilized World stood up to the Mohammedans is still the truth when what is left of the Civilzed World cowers at the feet of the Mohammedans. Churchill would not recognize what is left of Western Civilization.

  4. TO Abigail Adams
    Yes, it sure IS a nice thing!
    It seems even Reince Priebus wants to keep his job…
    …at least prevent his “company” from going Chapter 11…

    Whether the Romneys of of the GOPe
    will listen or not (read: NOT) is another matter.
    I just find it noteworthy that Priebus
    seems to have “come around,”
    for one reason or another.

  5. Czar — I’m having trouble with the rating function (TU to you)

    If any of you here have not made it over to the post, “The US is Slipping Away. Can We Stop It?” would like to hear your ideas. I’m deeply troubled by some of the comments there.

  6. And that’s reason enough to vote for Hillary?
    Makes perfect sense.
    If it makes sense to you you better rethink your entire position on where you stand.

    We hoped you’d rub off on your niece with the libtard bumper stickers.

    It looks like she’s rubbing off on you.

  7. I never said that Trump’s lie about W lying was reason enough to vote for Hiliary (and I won’t vote for the crunt), I just asked if she threw the Donald under the bus before or after he called her husband a war criminal. Isn’t that reasonable?

    So, was it?

  8. Now we’re at the point where I can’t post a story about an ex-first lady of a GOP president saying she’s voting for Hillary without ostensibly right-wing readers running to her aid.

  9. So what you’re saying is that Laura Bush is a vindictive bitch that would vote for the hard progressive left because Trump said Bush lied??

    She wouldn’t simply say she couldn’t support Trump? She would be justifiably compelled to vote left?

    This is what you’re implying with your question, otherwise, what the ef difference would it make what the timeline was?

  10. People, especially older people who no longer need to keep a brown sheen on their nose, often will say things to make a point.
    Obviously the likelihood of her voting for Hillary is remote, but it makes a good jab at a douche who, to this date, has not apologized for the lie he told about Mr. Bush. Instead he claimed he never said it.
    The lady has good reason to be miffed.

  11. Menderman,
    My hope would be that some day you actually begin to see what makes me so exasperated.
    It’s not so much your positions, it’s the way you debate.
    Round 2 will be a series of butthurt denials or plaintive wailing that I’m misrepresenting your position.
    I’m stunned that you think anyone on this site is not clever enough to see what you reveal in your questions alone, and the extrapolations that could be made from them.

  12. JohnS,

    Are you Laura Bush’s spokesman?
    If so, please ask her why she felt compelled to go the extra mile and say she was voting for Hillary instead of simply saying she wasn’t going to vote for Trump.
    She never mentioned Trump.
    She simply said she admired Hillary’s treatment of Muslim women.

    So, why is it you need to run to the aid of both Laura Bush and Menderman?

    It’s charming that you’re coming up with the explanation for everyone’s behavior, but the fact is Laura Bush left everyone with the impression that she was voting for Hillary, not out of spite, but as a choice.

    We post it and Menderman, and you, are defending it.
    A new low.
    It won’t get much lower, not on this site, I can assure the both of you.

    If the new position is going to be defending people on the right when they say they are going to vote for Hillary, it won’t be done here.

  13. >>and I won’t vote for the crunt)>>

    That you would even have to say that is evidence of how untenable your positions are becoming.
    I know of very few people on this site that would even have to say that.
    It should be a given.
    Sadly, it’s not in some cases.
    Even you realize it.

  14. The point is to make people like you exasperated. It’s called illustrating the absurd with absurdity. Seems it works, no?>>>

    Laura Bush is trying to make me exasperated?

  15. I say old ladies tend to say cantankerous things and I get threatened with being banned?
    I tell you what. Here is a good reason to ban me.
    I believe old people should get a LOT of latitude for things they say. All of them, even Mrs. Bush.
    There should come a point in life where one can say outrageous things without people bringing out the bats.
    Hell, I am only 61 and I am already rapidly tiring of tiptoeing around what others think should be said or not said.
    But then, I am also old enough to remember when that was very rarely an issue as people had tougher skins and could handle differences of opinion better.

  16. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?
    Damn, BFH, I took your word for it.
    She never said anything of the sort, a ‘reporter’ claimed that what she said ‘hinted’ of it.
    I read what she said, you should also.

  17. I say old ladies tend to say cantankerous things and I get threatened with being banned?>>>

    Why, are you planning to defend people on the right saying they are going to vote for Hillary if I post about them?
    That’s what I said I won’t tolerate.
    You plan on doing that?

  18. I did post what she said, and it said that she HINTED (do you know that word?) that she might vote for Hillary.

    But it matters little for the sake of our discussion because you and Menderman defended it WITHOUT READING THE STORY AT THE LINK!!!! -the very definition of KNEE-JERK.
    You simply can’t wait to get to the comments to clickety-clack out your rebuttals when you don’t even read.


  19. Right, Laura never hinted she would vote for Clinton, but Trump did say that W and his entire administration lied about WMD’s so W could kill people. Trump supporters don’t seem to care.

    I’ll bet that is why Alex Jones loves Trump.

  20. If they are old ladies, yes I will. If they are old men, I might.
    Call me a chauvinist, heck, I still hold doors and set chairs for women of all ages.
    However, you, to date, have not made such a post, so this is just hypothetical.
    I will give you a hypothetical;
    If Trump endorsed Hillary would you defend him?

  21. The story is the story, I didn’t misrepresent it. I posted exactly what was said.

    But that didn’t stop you from defending her, did it?
    THAT’S the issue here.

    Don’t forget to explain your comment about exasperation.
    Laura Bush was trying to exasperate me?

  22. If they are old ladies, yes I will. If they are old men, I might.>>>

    You’re going to defend people on the right, people I post about that are right-wing personalities, that declare they are going to vote for Hillary?

  23. Nice sidestep. However, you did misrepresent it, the idea that she said she would vote for Hillary came from you. Not the article, or anywhere else.
    So, if Trump endorsed Hillary, would you defend him?

  24. If Laura Bush said she will vote for Hillary, for any reason, she is wrong. I do not believe she said it and I do not believe she would. I always took he for a stand up lady who has absolutely nothing in common with Hillary.
    If I am wrong then I judged Laura wrong all these years.
    Shame on me.

  25. Moe. She never said any such thing.
    Like you, I have followed her over the years and have an idea as to her character.
    That is why I reflexively stood up for her.
    She deserves no less.

  26. BFH, YOU put her name in the original posting as a Hillary supporter. Unless some hacker did that, if so you should look back at the post and see the dastardly deed that has been done to it.
    Why are you avoiding my question? I am sure you consider Trump to be a person on the right?

  27. Original post—-

    So I added Laura Bush. She’s hinted that she will be voting for Hillary >>>>>

    Some dastardly devil seems to have hit you on the head with a ball peen hammer, either that or you’re just naturally stupid.

  28. Her worry seems to be about the women in Afghanistan. She feels that Hillary may do more for them than Trump or Cruz who just want to defeat ISIS. That’s my take on what she said. Which makes no effin’ sense whatsoever.ISIS has to be defeated before anyone, men, women, or children, can be helped. That’s how women think. There I said it.

  29. BFH said:

    “Now we’re at the point where I can’t post a story about an ex-first lady of a GOP president saying she’s voting for Hillary without ostensibly right-wing readers running to her aid.”

    Do you even read what you type?

    YES. And I am characterizing what YOU thought the story was. YOU started defending her when YOU thought the story was about her voting for Hillary.
    The story is the story. It speaks for itself. The story is not the comment section. -bfh

  30. Reagan is dead. My disagreements with him were relevant at the time, but now they are moot. I have, though, voiced a couple of them on this site. He was a man, not a God.
    I have no issue answering your questions, why do you have an issue with mine?
    So, if Trump endorsed Hillary, would you defend him?

  31. Because Laura Bush sucks, that’s why.

    …in her Women in the World address, Bush launched an even more pointed jab at Trump: “I understand that Americans are angry and frustrated, but we do not need someone in the Oval Office who mirrors and inflames our anger and frustration.” George W. Bush used that same line in support of Jeb Bush during the latter’s ill-fated presidential bid earlier this year.

    There are only 2 people running, do the math.
    Hillary wrote a blurb for the back cover of her new book.

    This site is dedicated to the destruction of Hillary Clinton.

    Having Hillary blurb on the cover of her book legitimizes Hillary.
    Laura Bush can drop dead.

    You have a problem with that?

    Are you a compassionate conservative??

    I don’t open doors or hold chairs out for progressives, or allies of progressives.
    I’m serious about my fight with the left. They are the enemy. I want to eradicate them… not chum with them and put the leftist contender for president on book blurbs.

    I’ve cut my brother completely and totally out of my life. I don’t break bread with progressives, brother or not.

    And I’m not very tolerant of readers on my site that will in any way shape or form defend anyone that defends leftists, on any level, for any reason.


  32. Wouldn’t have been a lot less effort to type.
    “No John, I am not going to answer your question”?
    Now, if you think my defending Mrs. Bush against a false statement that she said she would vote for Hillary based on a tortured analysis of what she didn’t say is a crime, so be it.
    You and I both know that Trump has done far worse. Is it wrong to ask the same pardon for her? Especially since she didn’t endorse or say she was voting for Hillary?
    My interpretation of what she said was a lament about the choices available coupled with a disdain for a man that did her wrong.
    So, I take it as ‘yes’ you will defend Trump for endorsing Hillary.

  33. OK BFH, fair is fair.
    Pick a date, and prior to that date, anything either Punch or Judy did is not fair game for discussion.
    Keep in mind the deblasio endorsement, so the date is going to be VERY recent.
    I am not defending Hillary, I never would, however, one big reason most people don’t like Trump is the same as why they don’t like Hillary.
    The past.

  34. No, Fruit Stain, you were in full defense mode of Laura Bush when YOU (and Menderman) made an assumption about the post.

    Wouldn’t it be easier to just say, “I am an asshole that knee-jerkingly runs to be a contrarian on any post that promotes Trump or a defender of any person that is seemingly attacking Trump or VOTING FOR HILLARY!!!

    That’s what you did. You started defending Laura Bush when YOU thought she announced she was voting for Hillary.


    Wriggle all you want, dum dum.

  35. Dude, the story you linked is months old. Long before Indiana. Long before Cruz dropped out. Are you really calling Laura a leftist prog for not getting on the Trump train during the heat of the primaries?

    And again, she NEVER even hinted she was voting for Hiliary. I read the article back then and knew it was crap, no need to read it again tonight.

    Clinton sucks, capice? But I am not gonna let misinformation slide by uncorrected. Threats be damned, I will always stick to the truth and correct lies no matter where they come from.

  36. I’ll pick a date.
    November 8th, 2016.

    Sorry, I have work to do.
    I’ll be over here trying to poke holes in the USS Hillary Clinton while you and Menderman are intentionally trying to exasperate me.
    Hate to put it this way, but my time is more valuable than that.
    Save your intentional exasperation for people who are less important than me – that would include any person not doing all they can to try and defeat Hillary in any way possible.
    Anyone else matters very little to me.
    In fact, they can drop dead.

  37. Sorry BFH, but we were right.
    I foolishly didn’t even look at the link based on my knowledge of the woman, but my instincts were correct.
    If you think about it, you will have to concede that the arrogance of denying Trump’s past is the majority of the reason he is treading water against one of the weakest candidates the Democrats have fielded in a long time.

  38. Are you really calling Laura a leftist prog for not getting on the Trump train during the heat of the primaries?>>

    No, I’m calling her a festering crunt for legitimizing Hillary Clinton by allowing her to blurb on her book.

  39. Sorry BFH, but we were right.>>

    Uhhhh, no.
    You opened your mouths before you knew the full shot and ran to the defense of her when YOU thought she announced she was voting for Hillary.

    Sorry, but you BOTH outed yourselves.
    Even if this post was pure crap it served a great purpose, to smoke out just how far you two will go.
    I don’t need to continue to debate this.
    May your conscience be your guide.

  40. Lie if you wish,but I have known for months that Laura never said what you claimed she said. Even if she did say she was voting for Clinton as you claim…how is that promoting Trump? How is that hurting Clinton?

    What is your point with this post?

  41. >> I just asked if she threw the Donald under the bus before or after he called her husband a war criminal.>>

    Doesn’t sound like you’re someone who’s
    “known for months that Laura never said what you claimed she said.”

    In fact, nothing about ANY of your comments sound like someone who “read the story weeks ago when it came out.”

    You simply defended Laura Bush for voting for Hillary until JohnS decided to click the link and suddenly came to the conclusion that the story at the link was different than what I posted (It isn’t. He just can’t read, or won’t, before he makes his comments.)

    Then, and only then, did you decide to say that the story being months old renders what you wrote moot.
    It doesn’t.
    You defended Laura Bush for voting for Hillary by implying it was justified because Trump said Bush lied.
    When I pointed out how friggin stupid that was (because she could simply say she’s not supporting Trump, not imply she’s voting for Hillary) the lightbulb went off in your head and you realized how utterly indefensible what you implied was.

    This is what I mean when I say “what you say is isn’t half exasperating than how you debate.”

    Summing up:

    You didn’t know the story was months old, you defended Laura Bush for voting for Hillary because Trump said her husband lied, when I pointed out that only a shitstain would turn left to zetz someone who impugned her husband, you realized your folly and now you’re pulling your usual act of causing a dust storm to escape into.

    Why did I make the post?
    Because I wanted people to suggest who they would submit to the Hillary ad.
    I added Laura Bush because she is a danger to my personal fight against the left, and Hillary in particular.

    Others are beginning to feel like they are a danger in that way as well.

  42. While at least GW loved America he was directly responsible for the Big Economic Melt Down. Do I like GW? I do. Was he a shit President? He was. Trump should put him in charge of the VA a Luara and old Babs should shut the fuck up.

  43. For those of you who post comments before reading, I’ll make it easy for ya- here is the money shot on the post Bad Brad linked>>

    >>Some are convinced the situation is growing increasingly bleak. In an interview here, Spencer Zwick, Romney’s former finance chair and one of the most prominent fundraisers in Republican politics, said that some of Romney’s donors would stay on the sidelines — and that others would even give to his Democratic opponent.
    “I’m sure you’ll see some that end up supporting Secretary Clinton,” he said.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/gop-donors-donald-trump-224218#ixzz4BL2cXU9r
    Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

  44. In the end this election is about elected officials trying to maintane their crooked cash flow vs DJT, a Nationalist. You can accuse him of what ever in the past. He’s fought to good of fight to be a phoney.

  45. BFH, I had my doubts. Shame on me. You have a perfect understanding of the battle at hand. One none of us can afford to lose. It’s time for in for a penny, in for a pound. It’s the fourth quarter and not looking good for free people. Let’s figure it out. If like to add more sports medafores but it’s late. Time for Patriots to unite behind DJT.

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