I’m banned from Twitter For a Week – IOTW Report

I’m banned from Twitter For a Week

Speaking about the president, this “blue check” nitwit, who is an “art critic,” said this–>

He’s also saying on Twitter that Trump is a rapist. Not alleged. A RAPIST. And he’s saying Republicans are rapist enablers.

I felt I should reply. This is the notification of my banning.

I thought that thanking his mother was a nice touch, after all, he thanked Republicans for foisting a mentally ill man on America.

The thing that tickles me most? With this banning, Twitter is saying that I harassed the guy on the “basis of his disability.”

Thank you Twitter for agreeing with me that this guy is a retard.

By not banning this guy for calling Trump mentally ill, they are saying that Trump really isn’t mentally ill.

17 Comments on I’m banned from Twitter For a Week

  1. “serious disease?”

    “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so fucking sick. I mean, granted, you’re fucking stupid, but I should have been more thoughtful of your situation. Get well soon so we can continue this discussion.”

  2. Hey BFH,

    It’s the word ‘retard’, Twatter does not like it. I suggest you drop using it yourself and just play their game, from around 1920.

    Psychological Clinical Terms of Low Intelligence:

    Insane 0-10
    Idiot 10-25
    Imbecile aka Feeble or Defective 25-50
    Moron aka Deficient 50- 70
    Borderline – 70- 80
    Dull 80-90

    The above all became low, mild and high retardation in the 1960’s and then in the 80’s mentally handicapped, mentally disabled and then mentally challenged to now ‘intellectually’ disabled. Watched the whole process having had a retard for an older brother.



    I’m not that crazy about the word ‘retard’, but that word is so over used like ‘racist’ it really means NOTHING. Also, there are many FINE retards walking around, riding their bikes and packing our groceries.

    We have other words at our disposal to describe these rat FINKS.

    OR you can ‘you are a ‘dull imbecilic idot”? That kinda says it all.


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