I’m Banned in Berkeley – IOTW Report

I’m Banned in Berkeley

Berkeley becomes 2nd city to ban fur.

ht/ bad brad

32 Comments on I’m Banned in Berkeley

  1. Previous headlines include:

    * Berkeley City Council passed a resolution against eating dogs last night
    * Berkeley calls for Trump impeachment

    Things that matter to brain dead libtards.

  2. @PHenry, good point. This ban is applicable to legal tax paying businesses only. Does not include illegal sales from illegal aliens. It does however ban the local purchase of a fur from an illegal only if the buyer is a legal citizen. To circumvent the probability of a crackdown on legal citizens, the purchase is made with a middleman that needs to also be an illegal alien otherwise the purchase is illegal.

  3. I’m confused in liberal land.
    Is this one of those laws you have to follow, or is this one you can break?
    And how do you know which is which? Is that written down anywhere?

  4. loshonhora

    Personally I have problems with same sex couple raising kids. If you decide to hook up with some one with non interlocking body parts that’s up to you. But it’s not natural and don’t perpetuate it by raising kids. They deserve a better shot than that.

  5. well, I reckon if I have to choose between Riviera Beach in Fla banning homies wearing droopy underwear-showing pants or Berkeley banning fur items, I think I’ll side with Riviera Beach.

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