I’m breaking all the rules with this post – IOTW Report

I’m breaking all the rules with this post

I’m breaking all the rules by talking about ads, but here goes.

A question was posited by a reader in another thread that asked, “Are you trying to lose readers? I’m trying to help here because I really enjoy this site, but these ads are getting ridiculous.”

The ads that are being referred to are not the static ads that appear in the header and the side bars, they are talking about a page-under that appears once every four hours per IP address. That is what is supposed to happen, some people might get more because of reasons I cannot control – like having continuously changing IP addresses. Some people prefer to surf anonymously and they will be subjected to a barrage of ads because they mask their true IP with an ever-changing array of multiple IPs.

I just removed this revenue stream because of the complaints. It pains me to hear complaints. I want the readers to enjoy the experience here. So that source, as of right now, is gone.

Do you have a guess as to how much these ads produced?

Fifteen bucks. Am I trying to drive away readers for 15 dollars a day? No. I’m trying to save this site by scraping together 15 dollars a day. 15 dollars barely covers the cost of our hosting fees.

Many people would be embarrassed to show this. I’m not. I show it because it supports the import of what I am saying and it dovetails nicely into part 2 of this post.

According to stats, 1/3rd of our audience uses ad blocker when on this site. 1/3rd of the people who are fans and love what we do, calling it important and invaluable, are actually contributing to its demise. And many people in the comments encourage others to use it.

Listen to the tone of my writing (lol), when this site shutters its doors, it will be because of this and this alone. It won’t be because fascists defeated us. It won’t be because we were silenced by the left. It won’t be because we were strong-armed with the threat of being doxed, or outed, or anything of the sort. It will be because the audience who wants this content will have contributed to its demise by, in effect, boycotting the site.

An ad free site is the ideal, but it’s impossible. We can’t run the site at a personal loss.

Before closing, I want to say a word about one particular reader, and he is probably going to kill me for bringing this up.

It’s Moe Tom.

Moe wouldn’t put up much of an argument when we say that he’s not the most technologically savvy of all the readers. He regularly asks people in the comments how one goes about emailing an article we’ve posted.

But what astounds me, despite the quaintness of his rudimentary web skills, is that Moe has figured out how to Paypal a self-imposed subscription fee to iOTWreport every month.

Every month we get a notification, and it never ceases to stop me in my tracks. It’s not an amount that I feel is overburdening him, because I wouldn’t stand for that.

He’s set up a recurring payment of $7.50 a month. That’s a couple of Boilermakers a month at the old watering hole I know he hangs out at. I’m comfortable that he is comfortable and that is a great arrangement.

We need a battery of Moe Toms to step up. I’m not kidding. Do you think I would want to make a miserable reader experience in order to make 15 dollars a day? No, things are that dire.

Also, this is by no means meant to be a slight of others who have set up monthlies (some have), I’m using Moe as an example to illustrate that it is not hard to do.  (Ducks from Moe’s righthand roundhouse.)

The Paypal button is in the right hand column. Click the image if you want to participate.

I know that times are tough, and it’s why we don’t run charity drives with the little meter saying that we are “almost there” as we beat the readers with a whip.

I know that times are tough because I’m one of the people holding on by my index fingers.

If the popunders return it’s because this appeal didn’t go so well and I’m forced to do it.

I don’t want to. Believe me.

I hate this post.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am now going to take a bath and pop a few Ativan.

Sorry about this.


122 Comments on I’m breaking all the rules with this post

  1. Speaking for myself and my own selfish interests, I’ll be a mad son of gun if iOTW goes away. This has to be a tough business to be a success in. Good luck rounding up some extra donations!

  2. I have to step up, haven’t donated, supported the excellent experience at IOTWr for several months. I prefer to do lumps of money. $50 on the way.

    Thanks for posting BFH.

    Wake up call.

  3. I get more enjoyment (and personal rage) from this site than I do from my pricey DIRECTV account.

    I think to hit the kitty every now and then, but I can set up a monthly. Would $1,000,000 a month take care of it? Well, I might shed 5 zeros from that. Haha.

  4. A thousand T/U.

    I just wanted to add sometimes your browser makes the difference. IE and Mozilla are the worst browsers for websites and I refuse to use them. [ I run on Mac] I’m using Chrome to work on the site and it has never given me problems.
    Also, I’m not pulling a salary from IOTW, I’m a volunteer for the cause.
    I get paid with occasional migranes, inspiration, and laughs from all the readers.

    Lastly, but not leastly, if you have weird hang ups on this site, please email BFH with a screenshot of the issue, a clear description of what happened, the name the browser you are using, if you are on PC or mobile, and your screen name. I hate to sound like IT guy, but that type of info is important.

  5. Man I hated posting what I posted.

    Nobody owes the site anything.
    This is not a “you friggin’ ingrates” post.
    This is the reader’s site.
    You either keep it or you don’t.
    Some like it more than others but they cannot be expected to shoulder the responsibility of keeping it going.
    My post, I just realized, was on behalf of them.

    This was just an explanation for why those friggin’ ads have to be there, why I removed them, and what the consequences of not having them can be.

    I’ll know when it’s time to move on, and it will have nothing to do with me because I don’t do anything without putting in my best effort.

    it’s up to the readers.

    In the spirit of complete transparency I’m reporting the weather.

  6. This is not a post to apologize for, and it actually highlights an unreasonable expection by many, if not most internet site users. We have been conditioned to get out internet content “for free,” although there is no free lunch as a fan favorite, Milton Friedman, used to say. But we don’t pay directly for our content, and site owners make their money through advertising and data mining. I personally don’t mind ads as they are a cost of visiting a site.

    So don’t apologize, and I’ll admit to being guilty for not hitting the PayPal button. But there really is no free lunch, so that will change for a site I enjoy.

  7. I just tried to donate but I’m getting the “this connection not secured” error when using firefox and windows 8.1 Just thought I’d let you know.
    Also I have to admit I’m one of the ad-blocker people, but I do turn it off on sites that I want to support. I never thought about it until you reminded me. It’s off now.

  8. Been quite a while since I bought you some pants.
    So long that an anonymous deep state government official stated that your clothing was bordering the obscenity laws.
    Steppin’ up here Boss.

  9. Just ignore the blinking ads. So what!!!! It takes a few seconds of your time and that’s it unless your patience and attention span are zero, nil, nothing. It’s not about one ‘you’, it’s about all of us together, the hive, the collective, the sane people.

    Why am I reminded of the shi thead neighbor I drove to the Dollar General who then refused to go in. She wanted me to drive 20 more miles to a different DG and had a foot stomping fit over flippin’ potato straws. I should have put her sorry ass out of the car but she’s 6′ and 230 lbs. Long story so never mind. It’s bad mood day (vertigo, excess Indian food, middle finger throbs, you name it) so I’ll rant at the IOTWR collective.

    If Moe Toe, who I adore without having met him (excuse me Mrs. MT) can do then so can I. Off to the Paypal account.

    – Saint Eugenia of the Middle Finger

  10. I love the ads! How else would we have gotten on so many in the know email list if I hadn’t clicked the Diabetes Breakthrough that Leaves Doctors Speechless, or, Do This Tonight to Make Toe Fungus Disappear, ED Caused by “Clog” Easily Cleared by Doing This . . . I could go on and on. Please don’t stop. Oh yea, love all the Post too!
    Res Ipsa Loquitur, amen. Mahalo.

  11. I don’t like the ads, but it takes 2 seconds to blow by them. Turn it back on, repost this for stragglers at different times in the day, and I’m going to hit up paypal to remind me and you how much I love this site.

  12. I can’t do recurring payments, Maybe Moe Tom can help us. Something THIS funny and informative needs to be supported.

    …and I’m a friggin’ IT manager. 😐

  13. Money well spent my friend. And if The Rock gives me a 25 cent an hour raise this year I’ll up it to $10.00. Yes, I have not mastered the fine art of “Copy and Paste,” but I can improvise and adapt. I send good articles from iotw, of which there are many, to friends and innocently wonder if there could possibly be a link?
    I have a 100 percent success rate. No need for me to push the envelope, my brain is all ready addled. Keep up the good work.

  14. I donate from time to time, but I appreciate a gentle reminder when it has been too long. This post made me realize just how much entertainment, education and enjoyment I get from this site. So I will be setting up a recurring payment. Do I use the same email address that I use to email you? Your Paypal donation button doesn’t seem to allow for recurring donations (unless I missed it).

    Maybe you (or Moe Tom) can post instructions for us that are Paypal challenged.

    Thanks for all you do.

  15. Thank you BFH. That was me who posted that quote. But I honestly couldn’t leave any comments anymore because of the delay. And I kept being redirected away and found it very difficult to navigate your site.

    You’re a stand up guy. I appreciate that. As an entrepreneur, I understand the difficulties of running a business. Those ads weren’t helping. I appreciate my customers, but when the bad ones start to effect my good customers, I have to let the bad ones go. It’s business.

    Thanks again. I will be sure to donate. And don’t feel bad about posting this thread. We are a team as far as I am concerned. Now let’s get back to destroying liberalism!

  16. I’m checking out the paypal payment stuff. I don’t know if a recurring payment is possible anymore without a specific link or tool that has to be implemented by the seller. We’ll keep you posted.

  17. Come to think of it, where the heck are the ads for the well-muscled, gorgeous, employed, happy men seeking dumpy old women for long walks on the beach and in the woods????

  18. Truckbuddy. I did it, but I’ll damned if I know how. I remember getting frustrated with the questions. Was I a robot, etc? Try it while relaxed with 4 or 5 jiggers of vodka.

  19. What about ads for businesses? See if anyone wants to advertise their business or website for $15 a month. (Or you could charge more depending on how much traffic you have.)

  20. You have to accept that ads are a part of the contemporary web surfing experience.
    Yes, they’re annoying but so are TV commercials
    Just click the little “x” in the upper right corner of the ad page and proceed.

  21. I understand that ads are necessary to keep the lights on, so to speak. But I quit going to an unnamed website that rhymes with Zeasel Wippers recently because the pop up ads would come on every time I tried to visit the web site. And they won’t go away. It’s not that I won’t go there anymore, I can’t. The ads prevent me from doing so. I tried resetting my device, clearing history and cookies, and clearing website information. Nothing works. I will miss you Zeasel Wippers. Buh bye.

  22. I understand the absolute necessity of funding a worthy cause and while I won’t be actually donating any of my OWN money, I will certainly be urging people I know to contribute.

  23. BFH, I’m sorry, I forgot my annual contribution. I’ll get it out to you soon.

    In regard to the ads. I don’t mind them, however, whatever you were using made it near impossible to participate in this site using a mobile device. I would click on a post and immediately another window opened to that post. Meanwhile, the previous window would spin constantly trying to open something that would never open. It zapped all the resources of my tablet, to the point the keyboard would not function without a significant delay. Then upon returning to the main page there would be an ad. This ad then hijacked my browser and wouldn’t let me return to the site without closing my browser and starting over.

  24. We use Opera (which I mostly don’t like because I can’t find a toolbar to download that allows for simple tasks like searching through text or forwarding links) and I don’t know how to turn the ads on. Also, I will absolutely set up a recurring donation, but don’t know to do that, either. Can someone help me? Thanks.

  25. You got it, Boss! Sorry I haven’t stepped up to the plate sooner.
    I don’t comment as much as I once did (probably to the relief of some readers) but, I still peruse the pages daily. This is by FAR, my favorite hang out.

  26. I think to do the reoccurring PayPal thing, you need to donate or give someone money. That way there is no fee to the recipient and it comes across as like giving your kid money. Another thing you could try would be a patreon account or something, maybe that only works with YouTube, but iotwr on youtube could set that up.

  27. Got it. Sorry you felt bad about making this post, BFH, but clearly it was necessary.

    My primary browser is Chrome, and I’ve got ads and scripts pretty well under control. That doesn’t mean all ads are blocked, just some of them. But Chrome doesn’t make it easy to tailor its add-ons for individual sites and I don’t want to change my settings. I’ve also got IE set up the way I like it and am loath to change anything.

    So, now I’m giving Opera a try. I’ve not turned on its ad blocker and I don’t see any other settings that would interfere with iOTWReport’s revenue stream.

    BFH, do you see logs that identify users and whether or not their browsers are blocking anything that generates revenue? I’d like to know if Opera solves our problem.

    You do mahhhvelous work, dahhhlings! Simply mahhhvelous! Mwah! Mwah!

    The ad servers tell us the percentages.
    I can see it by ip, but no name associated with it. -bfh

  28. Cha ching! Just dropped some change in the collection basket. Thanks for the reminder –and for all that all y’all do! (And really, those ads were kinda gross so, thanks for that too.)

  29. BFH, we love you. Glad you tell us when we are being cheapskates. Remind us periodically. Remember, many of us are half senile old geezers and bags. Please.

    Speaking of cheapskates, I wish my PayPal donation could be more.

  30. Your post just slapped me upside the head – in a ‘duh’ way. It wasn’t too long ago we had quality newspapers and news magazines to which we were happily willing to subscribe. And, even tipped the paperboy (or whatever LOL!). Now, I will fire up Excel and figure out how I can spread the wealth around for this and other must-go-to independent sites I visit at least once a day. Thanks for the PSA and no ads.

  31. Fur, I am not a silicon life form adept and do not wish to become one. So, you have my e-mail address; please send me a USPS mailing address and I’ll send you a check.

  32. i have contributed, (not often enough or enough I’m sure) while blocking ads. I felt OK about that. Then I lost my lease for my business and income tanked and i used that as an excuse to not donate so i turned off the blocker and suffered through. I felt justified in doing that but the dam ads pissed me off so much i blocked them again. I am going to walk to the mission for my free meals this week, thereby saving enough $ to send you a few bucks. I’ve been meaning to do it since the first of the year anyway.

    IOTWReport. . . .Best dam site by a dam site.

  33. I’ve donated small amounts before by taking VISA gift cards I’ve been given and that still have a few otherwise un-usable bucks left on them. I find out how much is left on the card and then I zero out that muthafucka by donating it here.

    But I still need to hit the Tip Jar and a recurring one is a good idea.

    By the way all you Ad Blockers, I too used to block the ads but it made my iLaptop go apeshit for some reason. Now all I do is use Chrome to surf the Internets and I can read IOTW a lot more easily. Just sayin’….

    I’d hate to see this site go away if for no other reason than I get to bust BFH’s balls for living in the Third World Shithole called Port St Lucie.

  34. Old Oaks described it perfectly. That’s exactly what was happening with me! I hate being the bad guy here but I couldn’t read or comment on my favorite blog anymore. It was a PLEA for help because this site had become unnavigable.

  35. @Eugenia. I’m your huckleberry but I’ll pass on the long walks

    Complications fromTrans vaginal mesh
    Low T
    Worked on railroad
    Worked with asbestos
    Urinary something or other
    Constipation due to opioid use

    Maybe I’m watching too much Fox News from my walk in tub.

    See? IOTW doesn’t run that many ads?

  36. I just want to apologize for being lax in my emoluments. I really appreciate how hard you work to stay on top of all the news and truly enjoy your site. i will set up a regular payment when I get home. For now I sent a lump sum and hope it helps. Keep fighting the good fight. By the way I don’t mind the pop ups, so do what you need to do and I will do what I can to help.

  37. I would rather buy shirts or other novelty items if you put them up for sale. I use an ad-blocker so I don’t get infested with malware. Some sites I’ve noticed have a feature to unblock that. I would do that for you. I’m not sure how to go about it however.

  38. I have a recurring payment through Paypal; ten Simolians US per month. It’s not rocket surgery. I pay for the sites I value…this and others. I also use a search engine that kills advertisements. All advertisements. But I pay for the sites that I use that search engine at.

    If you value a site, pay-up. A dollar. A fucking dollar a month. If we all did that, I’ll bet BFH wouldn’t be answering these questions. A dollar. Twelve dollars a year. How fucking hard is that; if your survival margin precludes that dollar a month…WHY DO YOU PLAY ON A COMPUTER?

  39. Yeah….. I have complained about the “”” adsupplyads.com/_adunits/pageunder “” bull cfrap, but wasn’t sure if it was from the site or just something intruding on the site. It was REAL annoying and I added to hosts file etc. This is my No 1 go to site in the morning even before “Ernies house of Whoopass (got to have some nasty stuff) …… sooo I guess I can come up with a few coins. think I have before, but bad memory is all over…..

  40. Geeze, just when I figured out how to get the ads to open in a new tab, rather than under my browser page.

    Don’t mind the ads… it was easier to just click them away… 🙂

  41. Newsflash! There’s something called Ad Block Plus. You can add it to your Chrome or other browser and it will stop ads. It’s simple to add. Furthermore, does anyone REALLY believe BFH is walking around in an ascot and a smoking jacket in his mansion? He’s not. Ads generate REVENUE. BFH is not a philanthropist. He’s a Capitalist. If ads trigger you, you better toughen up there Buttercup.

  42. I don’t mind the adds. If they are giving you scratch all the better. When I get to a place where I can kick in I will and I would still want you to have adds. Noting wrong with getting paid on both ends.

    Your content Rocks! You should be able to get paid for what you produce.

  43. I just kicked in $5.00/month on a regular basis. (It was a check box on the initial page.)

    I am sure that everyone here knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The reason people use Ad Blocker, as do I, is that we get deluged with pops-ups to the point that our browsers become all but unusable. I have a Mac and I usually use Safari. For some reason, another site I regularly look at (and I’m sure many others here do as well) started automatically redirecting me to spam sites.

    I can handle a nominal fee. Considering the number of sites I read, though, I can’t handle $250.00 a year that some sites want to charge. Is it that I am being cheap? No, it’s just that money trees don’t survive in the climate where I live.

    But this post is a point well taken. No need to apologize at all.

  44. Going over the comments I find that Anonymous was having problems with the same site I was. I don’t seem to have problems in Chrome, just in Safari. And as (s)he said, I can’t even get to the site at all.

  45. Just sent a small amount and would love to do a monthly automated payment but Paypal doesn’t provide a method. You can do it if you have a business Paypal account. I’ll try to come up with something else.

  46. Don’t be a Larrythelibturd.

    To set up recurring payments I think the trick is it has to be done with a Paypal linked credit card and not a Paypal linked bank account.

  47. I barely read the post and none of the replies.

    Fur, you NEED revenue. Do what you have to do. I used to run a very low traffic music site, and believe me, I sold whatever the readers would absorb. Web work ain’t free. Don’t let the complaints keep you from what makes the machine operate.

    I’ve done my dues as well on PayPal. This site is worth every penny.

  48. csteventucker, I’m no buttercup. What triggers me is not capitalism, but having my favorite blog held hostage by ads which rendered this site utterly useless. Freezing up. Redirecting. Delays and bogging down. After 5 great years, I was suddenly unable to navigate this wonderful site. Hence the frustration. Why are some of you missing this point??? But thank you for referring ad block plus. I’ll look into it.

  49. Any thought given to an Amazon affiliation? I suspect many readers would use that link, I would, when using Amazon. I have not read all the comments, too many, so maybe it’s been discussed.

  50. Alright, dammit. There goes my truck repair funds for this month. (So dramatic – do I get any bonus points?)

    I truly hope a fine Surf & Turf dinner plus a medium-quality bottle single malt scotch is had from my donation. You certainly deserve it, Fur.

    Fuck the ads. My adblock stays on. I’ll start donating to keep them off my browser. I’m way behind, though.

    As long as we’re all gooey about donating – how about a few thousand dollars more to MJA’s need for a new life-saving insulin pump?

    She needs $15,000 and is only at $4,400 as I post this. The site donation says both $10,000 and $15,000 is needed. Let’s make $15,000 happen, OK?

    I mean, my God! You want to save this site? How about MJA’s life?
    Several regulars here already donate there – I’m not targeting them…

    The link is also within her name (right click her name) and here it is:


  51. I think I have a pop up blocker on & I’ll turn that crap right the heck off. Sorry!!!
    Everyone else make sure you all fix your adblocker so that it doesn’t adblock IOTW!

  52. I don’t comment often but, I do come here several times a day. I enjoy the content and the comments (people can actually spell and put a sentence together).
    I’ve been guilty of not donating. However, I have bought some of BFH’s art.
    Making a donation to something as worthwhile as this site is long overdue.
    Thanks for all that you do here!

  53. @Dad, thanks for the heads up, done.
    LOL, surf and turf, more like The Colonel, a bottle of Mad Dog and some bills.
    He’s a “man in Florida” now, has to keep up appearances.

  54. I haven’t been coming here as much, but it has nothing to do with the ads. Between work, my fascination with you tubing pebble the swearing parrot and ruby the cussing African grey….oh, and my Chinese and Korean soap operas, I haven’t had much time. I’ll donate now. BTW when are we going to discuss Wonder Woman? My votes still on Lynda Carter. Too soon? Ahhhhh I see, you’re waiting til the remake comes out. Gotcha!

  55. Iffin I wuz smart, and I’m not saying I is. I would redirect my daily expenditures from worthless and detrimental expenditures to Philip Morris and whiskey 🥃 distillers to you. Iffin I was smart.

  56. One reason I love this site, BFH, MJA, and the lot of you, is that I can report on true stories that you won’t find in The New York Times or any other venue. Here’s one from some years ago
    Sean Flannigan, Irish Minister of Defense, had a run in in a Dublin Bar with the Russian Minister of Defense, Ivan Boresky. It got pretty heated and Sean declared war on Russia. Ivan smirked,
    Sean, Sean, he implored, What kind of defense do you have? Sean cooly took a sip, took a drag on his cigarette, and said we have 4300 fighting men, we have the Coast Guard, The Irish Oak and another ship, Three fighter jets given to us by the Israelis, four Bradley Tanks the Yanks gave us and a shit load of rifles we captured from the British. So there Ivan, what do ya thinka that?
    Ivan snickered again. Sean we have 500 jets, 2000 missiles, 500 ships, and over 0ne million men in uniform. So now Sean what do you think?
    Jaesus, said Sean, there’s no fooken way we can handle a million Prisoners of War! The fooken Island would sink, like Guam.

  57. You are all family to me. A place where sanity reigns and hilarity rules. I don’t think that I would have survived the last 8 years without you.

    Helping family is mandatory.

    Thanks to IOTW for providing this community for wonderful patriotic friends.

    We’re here for each other.

  58. Peace of mind is worth a regular donation to iOTWr. There is no other blog dedicated to giving true conservatism a snarky, informed, intelligent voice. Thanks BFH and crew for all you do and the passion to keep your readers enlightened. Never let pride stand in the way of blessings you’re due. Have you learned nothing from watching, “It’s a Wonderful Life” for eons? 😉 -lol.
    BTW, Please consider selling your artwork more often. Readers here really like your work. Expect my donation ASAP. Thanks again.

  59. @Dadof4 thanks for posting the lik. Will get on it tomorrow.
    All I want to do right now is sack out on the cats’ futon with my furries and pull a sheet over my head.

    @PHenry, praying you feel better and get relief from some of the medical crap.

  60. Reminders are helpful, thanks. I just kicked in $60 for 6 months. I haven’t read all the comments but I did see All Too Much mention the idea of being an Amazon affiliate and it’s a very good idea. I’d make a point to shop through IOTW.

  61. Fur,
    Sixteen years ago I attended a particular NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) convention in year 2000, and they predicted that the internet would have specific targeted advertising based on a persons individual internet surfing habits. Well, here we are. Everyone who visits any site is subject to targeted marketing.
    Welcome you followers to the future of marketing.
    TV will soon follow the trend.
    All I can say is get used to it.

  62. Fur

    You have to do what you have to do. Honesty is the shortest distance between these two points. With that being said, I owe you far more than I could express. I was injured on the job in 05, worked with injury till first of 9 surgeries in 07. I am not sure when I came across your site. But I can not recall a time that visiting it daily. The only reason I still had Internet for some of those years was out of necessity, having 5 kids and all. I have gone from the typical working still ( if Avg 70 hours a week for ever is normal) to a stay at home dad, and my wife re-entering the work force.

    I have felt guilty all this time because I have never contributed financially. Spreading the word, and sharing your site? Well few could touch me on that. In the last couple years thing have slowly turned for the better. As a matter of fact, by the grace of God and God alone, we have finally rebounded to the point where I’m no longer worried about making the bills anymore. Words can not express how much this site has helped me not only pass the time while stuck on my arse off and on for 10 years, but also mentally. In approximately 3 weeks, my 12 year fight/workers comp nightmare will be officially over and a free, although a little worse for the wear, man. Free off hoping I get a check due to me, free of my neighbors calling me to inform me the private investigatorso are back, free of bullshit doctors, free of hearings, free to do as I please.

    I will also be free of some financial burdens I thought I would never be free of after my injury. I’m telling you, and anyone else who happens to read this long comment, not because of your post. This has been my intention for quite some time. I am externally grateful that this site, and all it’s contributors exsisit. You have no idea how much you are appreciated, not only by me, but by people like the old me who work 60-80 hours a week, but don’t have the time some of us do.

    You know the old saying, you don’t know what you have till its gone. I’m glad you posted it. For me personally, I had planed long ago to try to make it up to you and contribute in some way other than word of mouth. That day is coming…..weeks away from my freedom. My head has never been clearer, hope never higher, and I would not have had an easy of a journey without you. I thank you. I mean that. You will see 😉

  63. I have to confess as well that about 10 days ago I put an ad-blocker on because the site had become unusable (to my system anyway). I don’t know whether it was a automatic update from those cretins at Microsoft but this site and a couple of others would take minutes to load a page then half the time it would error out and the comments would take a minute to type a couple of letters.

    I’ll hit the PayPal site as this is one of the few sites that has a good mix of people, subjects and interest.
    Why not turn the ad function back on and those of us with problems can hit the tip jar and you can still generate some revenue through ads. Might work well.

  64. If I “ever” become cash flow positive again, I will give what I can. I love this site and I always have. MJA is doing yeoman’s work here and deserves our praise and gratitude. Thank you for making my days sunnier and giving mesome laughs along life’s journey BFH and all the rest.

  65. This is my single fave site – I feel so much sympatico with all you guys and gals, even though I am mainly a lurker. Dropped a few rubles into the BFH jar. Love you all!!

  66. I hacked Larry The LibTurd’s EBT card account and $1 Hundy a month is automatically going to BFH now.

  67. Big Slurpy has a good idea going with BFH selling merch. The trick is to come up with six or less items that most folks want to buy, affordable, one-size-fits-all, etc. Otherwise, he could drown in a sea of unsalable stuff.

    I reckon I’d pay $15 for a hat. And not some damned trucker hat like the MAGA hats. Fucking gnats get thru the mesh whilst I’m out fishing and drive me apeshit. A coffee mug would be good too or a bumper sticker….

  68. Yeeeowza. I made a decent contribution, not really thinking about the ad revenue, but it’s been about 5-6 mos ago, so it’s time to pony up.
    Admitted ad blocker, but my better half isn’t so I guess we each contribute in our own way. I think you’re receiving more from me tho.

  69. I adblock except on sites that I want to support and who also curate their ads.

    Internet ads are the largest vector of malware distribution. The services serving up those ads (like googleads and adsense) could not care less about the content or safety of the ads they push; as long as the buyer pays, the ad gets served up.

    If a site cannot be bothered to make sure the ads they display are clean and mostly relevant to the content, those ads get blocked without a moment’s hesitation, a single iota of guilt or loss of a single second of sleep.

    Although, it is fun when an ad for a lefty trash bin, like the Huffin’ Glue Rag (aka HuffPo) for instance, shows up on a conservative site. I click the ever-loving hell out of that ad. Over and over and over again.

  70. I guess I don’t fully understand the difference in ads that aren’t infested w malware v ads that Spam the crap out of you.
    Based on the minute amt bfh posted it hardly seems worth it.
    I love W Zippers but can’t go there anymore as my email totally croaks afterwards.
    I paid for my blocker rather than freebie, as I detest pop ups on phone and I don’t want my laptop used for work clogged w malware/spam.
    I can whitelist iotw if necessary, I want to do the decent thing. Please advise.

  71. Got to admit that I, too have been remiss in my support. While I used to be on this sight often, my use has lagged considerably, much like my presence on KoL. But enough excuses. The Duccettes, Dabloons, and Piece-of-Eight will be forethcoming

  72. Navigator,

    This was the dilemma, exactly what you were talking about.
    The user experience that was hijacked completely only happened to about 3% of the people.
    even at that point I think it’s too much.
    But I’ve been told by people that I’m being the unreasonable one and that I care too much about the viewers, tat it’s just percentages and it’s going to happen to some no matter how you monetize.

    I hate that. So, I pulled the ads, BUT, that really does put me at a crossroads.
    Thus, this post.

    Some people would rather choke to death than smash a plate and make a fuss.
    On some level that is me, but it’s career suicide to think that way.

  73. “how about a few thousand dollars more to MJA’s need..”

    As of this post, the total for MJA stands at $6,325. 16 hours since the last donation.

    $75.00 short of that $2,000 I rallied for.

    Wow. You get what you ask for. Maybe I should have said more. What a crowd we have here. I am encouraged by the generosity of everyone on such short notice.

    17.35 more people like PHenry and Joe6pak and she reaches her goal.

    There’s more work to do, MJA. You’ll get it. I just don’t know when yet.

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