‘I’m done being silent’ – Justin Kucera – IOTW Report

‘I’m done being silent’ – Justin Kucera

Michigan teacher says he was fired for supporting Trump, president’s push to reopen schools.

Just The News: A Michigan high school teacher says he was fired for a tweet supporting President Trump’s push to reopen schools this fall amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Justin Kucera, a teacher and varsity baseball coach at Walled Lake school district, said administrators summoned him to a meeting after he responded to a Trump speech in which he called for school to reopen and after the president tweeted “SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL.” more

19 Comments on ‘I’m done being silent’ – Justin Kucera

  1. He was fired for expressing apolitical opinion (as if saying schools should be opened is a political opinion).

    How much you want to bet he would still have his job if he expressed support for Black Live Matter?

  2. The communists always told us: “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within”, but I never thought I’d live to see it. Here we are losing jobs because we dare to praise the President who has done more for the United States than any! Hell our kids can’t even say the Pledge of Allegiance in school (or anywhere else for that matter) anymore!! It really is time to take back America and return it back to the good, strong, productive and generous nation that hard work, sweat and Capitalism provided for us!

  3. Some time ago, Abigail Adams argued here that the two political demographics in this country are not compatible with each other and can not coexist.

    One believes in and practices upholding the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The other does not.

    She’s right.

  4. For years we have allowed the enemy to creep into our neighborhood.

    Then we allowed them to sneak onto our property.

    Then we allowed them to push back our barriers and consistently control our right to personal preference.

    They consider all our allowances to be a god given right to fully control each and every aspect of our lives.

    Words are too late, olive branches are useless, we’ve allowed ourselves to be pushed to the limit.

    The solution??

    A 12 gauge shotgun to the face……

  5. Are the conservatives going to march on that school principal and shout, “No Justice No Peace!” and make sure everyone who pulls this shit is going to get swamped?

    No. And that’s why the left wing is more effective. They have trained the public well.

  6. My liberal friend is totally opposed to home schooling because she thinks that kids need the oversight of teachers to ensure that kids aren’t being abused by parents. She also thinks that it is socially isolating and mentally unhealthy for kids to not have interaction with peers (pooh poohs me when I tell her that the homeschooling parents I know organize field trips and social outings with other homeschooling parents).

    Guess who is now all for keeping the kids home and out of schools.

  7. @ anon
    I think they have that backwards.
    Government indoctrination centers need to be stopped. It’s not free Ed, and you pay for the group think in ways that are the enemies of freedom and liberty.

  8. @TRF July 21, 2020 at 8:09 pm

    > The communists always told us:

    > and Capitalism provided for us!

    You do…? I mean, you…? How can you not…?

    (shake my head)

    I can’t even.

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