I’m Flying! I’m Flyi – IOTW Report

I’m Flying! I’m Flyi

Guy pilots a flying car.

So Close.

ht/ woody

25 Comments on I’m Flying! I’m Flyi

  1. Looks like some power lines off in the distance. Good choice with the building, and he could have said “I meant to do that” if he’d managed to land on the roof.

  2. Kind of reminds me of a story a friend told about when he was training to get his pilots license. He flew out of a small grass strip airport near Alamance, NC. The surrounding area is quite congested. Flying one day his instructor asked, if the engine quit where would you land?

    Everywhere he looked was covered with buildings or a very busy interstate highway. He could see no place to make an emergency landing. After a long pause with no answer the instructor said, ‘See those two barns to the south? The one on the right is a new barn, the one on the left is an old barn. I’d pick the old barn on the left.’


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