I’m Gonna Be A Blue Collar Man – IOTW Report

I’m Gonna Be A Blue Collar Man

A song for today.

Give me a job, give me security
give me a chance to survive
I’m just a poor soul in the unemployment line
my god, I’m hardly alive
my mother and father, my wife and my friends
You see them laugh in my face
But I’ve got the power, and I’ve got the will
I’m not a charity case

I’ll take the long night, impossible odds
keeping my eye to the keyhole
if it takes all that to be just what I am
well I’m gonna be a blue collar man

Make me an offer that I can’t refuse
make me respectable, man
this is my last time in the unemployment line
so like it or not, I’ll take the long nights, impossible odds
keeping my back to the wall
if it takes all night to be just what I am
well, I’m gonna be a blue collar man

18 Comments on I’m Gonna Be A Blue Collar Man

  1. Ah the good old days, when work and self-sufficiency were so valued you could rock out to a song about it. Waiting for this White Privilege song to soon be erased from from The Internet of Things.

  2. Thank you Claudia thank you! I was on day two of MJA’s “Birthing People don’t let your babies grow up to be Cowpersons” echoing in my head, my worsening mental state was becoming noticeable,the dog even started to show concern from a distance,A little Styx helped flush out the old cranium. Again thank you Claudia.

  3. Huron, thanks for the Virgil’s sugar-free Orange Soda I just shot out of my nose;

    “…my worsening mental state was becoming noticeable, the dog even started to show concern from a distance.” That’s funny right there!

    But wouldn’t it be: “Birthing People don’t let your abortion escapees grow up to be Cowpersons?”

  4. jellybean
    MAY 8, 2021 AT 10:38 PM
    “My daughter-in-law’s greatest weakness was a man wearing work boots. True story.”

    …which would be BAD story if your son didn’t HAVE any…

  5. Back when it was on the radio all the time, never realized how much of an anthem it was for me. But it’s true. I started with nothing but need and a youthful strong body and mind. Worked two full time jobs for a while because one wasn’t enough to support my growing family.

    Some day I won’t be able to climb that ladder again. Not looking forward to that, but I know He will provide ’til the end. It’ll just look different from now.

    It’s been a good life and I’d like to think I was useful and let my love of God show through my work. I can still drive by some homes and see the work I did in the early 80s in Dallas. Something I can’t do regarding pest control, although I still do some repair work on homes.

    I admire people like accountants because, while working with math is an important part of my business, I could never sit in one office and push numbers around all day. I love my job. It can be exciting at times and I meet new people at their homes all the time. Hardly boring!

  6. Dadof4
    MAY 9, 2021 AT 8:06 AM

    ‘I admire people like accountants because, while working with math is an important part of my business, I could never sit in one office and push numbers around all day.’

    …IDK, it has its moments…


  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww … BULLSHIT!
    I’da rather been born handsome, rich, and lucky.
    I worked blue collar since I was 15 (job at the mess hall at Ft. Myers before school) or so and it ain’t nothing to sing about.
    Knees hurt, shoulders hurt, back surgery, rotator cuff surgery – but I did learn a lot of useful stuff. And I didn’t notice a single blue collar guy in the video.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim

    You said it for me. I did not want to be negative yesterday.

    I will even add something I have witnessed many times.

    While we are busy working and trying to build something (“keeping our eye on the Key Hole”, Politicians, Government, Real Estate Guys, Bankers, are moving paper and changing laws to swindle us to take advantage of our diverted attention.

    We, our company, spends about 20% of our time, trying not to “GET FUCKED”.

    The last Real Estate Pricks that came into my office gave SCUM a bad name. I stopped my job early to sit in on a meeting to literally watch them try to swindle us as if we were BODINE Clampett.

    Thank God, My DAD is a JED CLAMPETT!

    and I have the personality of GRANNY.

    Cheers Tim!

  9. SNS, “…yep, and given a choice, the chicks go with the guy in the suit every time…”

    I worked in offices all my career; with many men in suites – presidents, owners of companies, high-powered VPs, pencil pushers; they all had one thing in common. They were no different than any man. Some good, some arrogant, some bad. What a man does for a living or wears to his job is not important. His character is what real women are attracted to.

    These ‘chicks’ you speak of are the shallow, self-centered divas that only want things.

    Ok, now that was a broad sweep of humanity; not intended to cover everyone as there are always exceptions.

    Character is what defines us.


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