I’m Happy To See That This Video Has Nearly 4 to 1 Downvotes – IOTW Report

I’m Happy To See That This Video Has Nearly 4 to 1 Downvotes

Our friend Megan Fox posted this on Twitter-




There is so much wrong with this video.

When you get to the part where the lesbian is talking about masturbation with her adopted kids you’ll be at about 200/115 BP.

I’ll leave the insightful comments to the readers bold enough to take a gander at the left at work.

27 Comments on I’m Happy To See That This Video Has Nearly 4 to 1 Downvotes

  1. I got through less then two minutes. Those poor kids have to have their complete embarrassment made permanent for the entire world to see.
    Why youtube allows this to stay on is a testament to their libidiot agenda and family ruining ways.

    “Hey kids! We don’t care if you get good grades. That’s just competition which is discriminatory. So here’s a lesson shown on a world wide forum to show how enlightened we are as your parents that should be kept private and behind closed doors.”

  2. I agree with beachmom about the public humiliation. These parents are just dolts. You can see the kids natural instincts were to be bashful, not ashamed but bashful. Did they sit down and then watch porn together afterwards for reference?

  3. I made it to about 45 seconds. Read some comments. I liked this one. “Santa won’t get you that” If your child still believes in Santa, you should not be showing them a dildo. Logic.

  4. This child is 6? 7?

    Sexualizing him at this age is criminally inappropriate. As if they’re grooming him for pedophilia.

    By 9 these “parents” will have decided he needs to be “transgendered”.

    Assuming County Services hasn’t taken the child away by then.

    Just wait until these kids turn 18, lawyer up, and sue their parents for child abuse.

  5. beachmom December 3, 2017 at 1:14 pm

    I reported the video. Sometimes you just can’t allow stupidity to live.

    So did I and gave it a thumbs down.

  6. As a Daddy and a Grandpa I know that these intimate conversations, to one extent or another, are a necessary part of my job of raising other rational humans. But just as I would not record my intimacies with my wife and post them for the world to see, these conversations should be private and between family member ONLY. The only reason to have this video available is to allow lazy progressives to escape uncomfortable reality by letting their offspring watch someone else do, what should be, their job.

  7. I’m paraphrasing a (I think) James Woods tweet, but
    I also hope that,
    WHEN this kid grows up
    and realizes what these two did to him
    he throws them in a wood chipper
    and gets on with his life.

  8. Should they also teach the 6 year old how to smoke, while they’re at it? After all, nothing as classic as an after sex cigarette, right???
    (In all seriousness, somebody PLEASE save that kid. This is scary to even read, let alone watch. Makes you wonder WHY they’re telling such a young child in the first place…)

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