I’m In a New York State of Fascism – IOTW Report

I’m In a New York State of Fascism

Louder With Crowder-

New York Senate Proposes Political Correctness Screening Before Handgun Purchases.


S9191 “requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal,” the draft bill states.

If the bill passes, investigators would be able to look for posts or searches that contain threats to the health or safety of others; intentions to carry out an act of terrorism; or commonly known profane slurs or biased language describing the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person.

The bill is currently in committee and will have to clear several steps before it can become law, including being passed by the State Senate and Assembly.

This goes to show how the left is not only trying to police your guns, they’re trying to police your thoughts.


19 Comments on I’m In a New York State of Fascism

  1. If I don’t have any social media accounts, or those accounts are anonymous, and my search engine history is always made via anonymous proxy with no associated account; my browser doesn’t save cookies; or if I choose to have never used the internet, that means what? My background doesn’t exist and therefore disqualified as a non-existent person with not enough information?
    Which begs the question, who is going to spend time combing through 3 years of data per person? Last I heard no one has had enough time yet to dig though 35,000 emails from Hillary and that’s just one person.

  2. They could add this simple test as part of the license process. The ability to field strip and reassemble three handguns, all semiautos, in five minutes or less in the dark. It has nothing to do with shooting, the only purpose is intimidation.

  3. Christine Balasey Ford seemed to have scrubbed her online world. You can too, but it may take some work. Or you can do as the non-law folks do and go underground to do business.

  4. Well….. most of us have already had our social media taken away from us so our accounts are deleted. We have no social media history. Therefore… we deserve two handguns.

  5. New York State Law, Civil Rights Law, Article 2, Section 4:
    “S 4. Right to keep and bear arms. A well regulated militia being
    necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms >>>cannot<<< be infringed."

    NY does a lot of infringing…

  6. I’m sorry, but I lost all of my on-line history in a tragic server accident…

    Alternatively, if I autosign all my posts with “NY Democrats are evil tyrants and perverts” wouldn’t that be protected free speech and inadmissible for this fishing expedition?

    The authors of this bill should have their on-line history revealed to shut down these assholes.

  7. I’m sorry, but I lost all of my on-line history in a tragic server accident…

    Alternatively, if I autosign all my posts with “NY Democrats are evil tyrants and perverts” wouldn’t that be protected free speech and inadmissible for this fishing expedition?

    The authors of this bill should have their on-line history revealed to shut down these assholes.

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