I’m Liking Crowder’s Bernie Imitation – IOTW Report

I’m Liking Crowder’s Bernie Imitation

It’s a little Gilbert Gottfried, but it gets the essence down nicely.

Informative and funny – my favorite formula.

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6 Comments on I’m Liking Crowder’s Bernie Imitation

  1. There should be a national voter competency test to keep people who actually think Bernienomics can be paid for.

    The believers in this crap are going to destroy the vitality of this nation to get their free shit or kill millions trying.

  2. That’s the thing, “you can’t compete with make-believe.”

    However, the real Bernie Sanders message that needs to be pointed out isn’t the economic impossibility. Bernie Sanders real message is that Bernie Sanders is the law and the sole arbiter of what is right and wrong and Bernie Sanders dictaks to the rest of society whatever Bernie Sanders thinks is right and wrong. That is what Bernie Sanders actualy stands for.

    No one’s life will be worth a plugged nickel in that kind of society. Economics schmecinomics, those arguments don’t mean shit to anyone but thoughtful people. What the left needs is to get their faces rubbed in the fact that Bernie Sanders message is simply Bernie Sanders gets to force everyone else to do what he was thinks is right and wrong and YOU will do what he says or else and in a society like that no one’s life is worth a plugged nickel.

  3. Good to know there is someone out there within this current generation that gets it. Sadly, like he pointed out, it won’t make a wit of difference to those who’s minds are made up regardless of the facts. Until we as a nation are willing to work for a living as a whole instead of constantly voting for more free stuff, those in positions of authority within the government will continue to use all of those useful idiots to accumulate their wealth at the expense of this once great nation.

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