I’m Naive, So Smartsplain something to me – Where and How and Why Did the Obamas Get Millions and Millions of Dollars? – IOTW Report

I’m Naive, So Smartsplain something to me – Where and How and Why Did the Obamas Get Millions and Millions of Dollars?

The Obamas Are No Longer Renters-
They bought the DC home of NFL exec Joe Lockhart for $8.1M
The WHY is the most pertinent question.

55 Comments on I’m Naive, So Smartsplain something to me – Where and How and Why Did the Obamas Get Millions and Millions of Dollars?

  1. I’d bet all the paperwork would end up with a sweetheart loan from someone who benefited greatly from government under Obama that has a .001% interest rate and no specified term or payment schedule. I wonder whether Obama will get audited next year?

  2. Probably from the advance on the latest book deal. Whoever is actually writing this fairy tale [see what I did there???] finishes each sentence with “Yeah, that’s the ticket….”

  3. scr_north: Oh HA! That would be too good! Audit him, Mr. Trump!!!

    But what I really want to know..WHO IS WATCHING SASCHA AND MALIA while Barry and Mooch are traipsing all over the world? Didn’t Barry say he wanted to stay in DC so Sascha could finish school? Has he hired a nanny? Governess? Tutor? Valerie Jarrett? Granny?

  4. I can tell you where that money came from, but you won’t believe me.

    The Republican Party. Think about it. Who’s been thwarting every move Trump has tried to make legislatively and who’s been hindering him the most?

    The truth will surface at some point.

  5. The trend:
    Become a “public” servant and become a corrupt millionaire.

    Follow the money in both directions, who benefited from the $billions of grants and aid, agency policies, exec. orders and preferential treatment, match those corrupt beneficiaries to the investment accounts, campaign and foundation coffers of the politicians.
    Corruption prevails.

  6. It is way simpler than all that….Simple pay. He worked for a criminal organization. He did what he was told, so he gets paid…. as long as he keeps his mouth shut about the internal activities of the organization. Simple as hell. Yes it comes in the form of compensations for speeches or books but that is all bullshit. As has been said…. No one reads the books they are simply printed and purchased and them dumped for a dollar apiece somewhere or burned.

  7. ummm maybe they were just super thrifty on his $450,000 salary and collected credit card points (that can be used as cash) every time a military vehicle filled up at the pump?

  8. Barry’s sort of the alter-Bill-Clinton (dreaming of Monica and all):
    at $20 a pop,
    Barry could have EASILY earned $8 million
    with only 400,000 blow jobs!

  9. We have been being sold out for many years—at least since NAFTA and MFN for China. The huge speaking fees and book deals are the payoffs for those treasonous deals.

  10. They need to stay in DC for 3 more years until Stash gets out of high school. So you see, when you need to live somewhere for 3 years, you need to BUY an 8 million dollar 8500 square foot house. It’s totally not sensible and that’s WHY the prick did it.

  11. Last election cycle there were articles about democrats being upset because the gay commie was fundraising all over the country. But the democrats were not getting very much of that money. There was concern because other democrats ran to the wealthy, only to find out the wealthy could only give so much and they already gave to the limp wristed treasonous faggot from Chicago.

  12. “Where and How and Why Did the Obamas Get Millions and Millions of Dollars”?
    When you can pass out billions to failed green projects, billions to Iran, there has to be an opportunity for skinning.

  13. This shit was funneled directly from the Tax Payers. Somehow, in all the “okie doking” of deals with entities who – surprise! – were Obama disciples. Millions and millions paid out and funneled back into Dem campaigns and pockets.

    I can’t prove it. I don’t know how. I just know it.

  14. Why? So that Barky and Mooch can be close to the action. After all, proximity to the action is important when you are running a subversive, deep state operation.

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