I’m No Dave Weigel Fan… but – IOTW Report

I’m No Dave Weigel Fan… but

I am not coming to the defense of Dave Weigel, but I would have had he not apologized for his latest “gaffe.”

A little background on this dope. Weigel is the guy that was supposedly a conservative and was hired by the Washington Post to be a right-wing voice, and suddenly the jerk is a liberal. All he proved was that he is rudderless and cannot be trusted.

Weigel tried to project himself as a good guy, but in reality he was a nasty, bitchy, catty mouth, and all of his behind-the-scenes vitriol was revealed when the infamous lefty JOURNOLIST was uncovered. Thankfully, some idiot with loose lips blew the lid off the covert email ring where lefty journalists colluded with one another to mount orchestrated storylines against the right. And who was that dipshit? You got it –> Dave Weigel.

So what did he do now to get himself suspended from WAPO for one month without pay?

He retweeted a joke. I wish I could support the guy, but he has no principles. He’s just a slime that collects a paycheck, but not in June.

What was the retweet?

YouTuber Cam Harless, joked, “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.”

Weigel retweeted it and was suspended.

The joke is mean, dark, a bit hurtful… in other words, it’s kinda funny.


The Washington Post has suspended reporter David Weigel for one month without pay for retweeting a sexist joke, two people familiar with the matter told CNN on Monday.

Weigel did not respond to a request for comment, but an out-of-office reply from his Post email address said that he would return to work on July 5. Weigel apologized publicly last week for the retweet, saying he “did not mean to cause any harm.”


Jokes cause a bit of harm, that’s what makes them funny. We laugh because we aren’t the ones being targeted. When we are the targets, and it’s funny, we should just laugh and move on. A world without teasing and poking fun, and one that busies itself by criminalizing humor, is not a world I would enjoy.

WAPO, in effect, got up on stage and smacked Weigel in the face.

One can’t help but think that if a similar joke was made about Kelly Anne Conway, or Ann Coulter or MTG, and was retweeted by Weigel, he’d win a Pulitzer.

10 Comments on I’m No Dave Weigel Fan… but

  1. When I was a teenager our house was multicultural central. We told racial jokes all the time and our friendships were not concocted to present an image. That shit was for the fucked up sissies and bubble headed bleach blonds who ran for student council. I went to my 40th high school reunion a few years ago and we are as good of friends as we always were and of course the same Goddamned phony baloney fucksticks had to get their virtue signal on. Not a single person at our table of about fifteen were the least bit amused by that shit any more three years ago than we were in the 1970s.

    Our parents were all connected to the military and we didn’t judge our friends by the color of their skin.

    I still remember being treated to an Irish Seven Course Meal on my birthday. A six pack of bear and a boiled potato.

  2. The irony is that the psychotic cunt who got him suspended, fellow reporter Felicia Sonmez, pretty much proves the joke was a dead on observation of actual reality.

  3. Before I retired, I worked in a telephone construction shop. We had vets from Army, Navy, Marine Corp and Air Force(me). If HR ever put a microphone in the office we all would have been fired in less than a week. We talked shit about and to each other and no one got butt hurt. Even the non Vets. It was the best shop I ever worked in as a Civilian, and we kicked ass on production and quality.

  4. When I was a young man I heard a fellow associate complaining to an older gentleman about his woman. The old man said… I’ll tell you something, all women are crazy, some are just crazier than others. I still use that one.


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