“I’m Not a Professional Singer” – IOTW Report

“I’m Not a Professional Singer”

Dude sings with subway musician. He chooses Creep, and.. well.. look…

Seems like a set-up. If this was just happenstance I am blown away.

12 Comments on “I’m Not a Professional Singer”

  1. Yeah, I saw that one too. Interesting Doc mentioned body language, or, performance language at the least. Either way, he was pretty darn good.
    guitaro5000 has a fun channel we enjoy.

  2. He came across to me as a music/voice teacher that tried it out singing as a teenager, went to school for music, but never made it past just being a music teacher.

  3. These two will be singing the national anthem in Yankee stadium this season. Not opening day, unless the video really goes viral, but sometime this year.
    The singer’s trained, he can project while controlling his voice, that’s not a nature gift it’s developed over time.

    I quite enjoyed that.


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