Images from:
1 Claudia (Catapillar) in Zion National Park
2 Marilyn (Mick’s Moth) My brother Mick called me to see this Luna Moth.(we had to look it up).
3 Reiuxcat (Butterfly)
4 Ghost (Heron) heron takeoff – hudson river
5 Ghost (Heron) Hastings on Hudson, NY
6 Claudia (Red Ant) in Great Sand Dunes National Park
7 Anymouse (Fish) Beautiful Fox River flooding. Fish were swimming in the yard…
8 Bobcat (Shark) Shark Pic I took off of Ramrod Key. Biggest one was about 18″!
9 Truckbuddy (Bug) I have no idea what these bugs are, but they looked cool … Found out what it is – a Red-footed Cannibalfly. Seriously. Never saw one before.
10 Radioationman (Frog)
11 forcibly deranged (Cooper’s hawk) Cooper’s hawk scored a sky rat in the backyard. A cat of the sky and its meal. Son and wife’s name for pigeons and for the invasive Eurasian Dove is “sky rat”.
12 Conservative Cowgirl (Seals)
13 Corky (Turtle)
Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.
- Random Critters of iOTWr – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon.
- It’s Bath Time! – Theme idea from TRF
- Did You See Your Shadow? (for Groundhog Day)
Great pictures
A nice change from the usual furry buddies. Thanks Claudia.
Truth be told, the Cannibal Fly is a bit furry. 😃 It’s also kinda scary, being that it’s about 2 inches long or bigger. It’s a Bee killer, we have a lot of Carpenter Bees and European Hornets here.
I like the hawk photo, that would be hard to get. Good one FD.
Thanks Claudia!
It’s always a pleasure – every Sunday.
Thanks, Claudia!
I didn’t know frogs could fly.
Mornin’ everyone and great set of pics!
Addendum, the second image was taken in the much smaller Saw Mill River (creek)…which is 1/2 mile east of the Mighty Hudson. Herons use the smaller creeks to hunt and the main river…well just to relax.
That said could very well be the same!
@Jethro – me neither…great shot though.
Thanks C!
“I didn’t know frogs could fly.”
Well if you launch them just right, they attain both altitude and distance.
Excellent! I always enjoy everyone’s pics and photography.
I should have submitted a picture of my pet turd.
If you’re not furry then you must be nekkid.
I could’ve went another Year not knowing There were Cannibal Flies
out there…. 😉
Kinda cool looking though.
That Luna Moth. Beautiful. Have not seen one in person yet.
The butterfly, is that a dark blue? Pretty!
The hover frog is cracking me up. 😀
Great photos, everyone!