I’m not worried about drone pic in Rittenhouse case – IOTW Report

I’m not worried about drone pic in Rittenhouse case

Anyone that can convict a kid based on this picture was probably going to convict him before the picture was entered into evidence.

According to Wisconsin law, your claim of self-defense is negated if it could be proven that you provoked first.

No one has provided any pictures of Kyle Rittenhouse pointing his rifle at anyone (prior to him shooting the thugs that attacked him) and there is plenty of clear footage from that night.

But the images below are supposed to convince a juror that what they are seeing is Rittenhouse “provoking.” (Never mind that the person he is supposedly pointing a gun at was not the child molester, Rosenbaum, that eventually ran up on him and tried to take away his rifle. It was some other dude.)

Rittenhouse is under the sign. That is supposed to be him pointing his rifle at someone. I see what the prosecution is trying to make me see, that black streak going upward. But if that is Rittenhouse pointing a rifle, he is doing it lefty. He’s not.

Also, Rittenhouse is lucky he wasn’t shot by the guy (at the bottom) pointing his Luger at him. To the left of the Luger guy is little Bigfoot, about to toss a canister of some sort (lefty, who knew he was lefty?)

The guy to Kyle’s left is also trying to jam a cardboard cutout of a cloud up his ass.

By all means, jurors, put this kid away for decades because of this photo, and sleep well at night knowing you are positive about what you are seeing.

More at American Thinker

ht/ Rich Taylor

16 Comments on I’m not worried about drone pic in Rittenhouse case

  1. Hours of footage, from multiple angles, that can put a viewer right in the middle of exactly what took place that night.

    And their whole case comes down to a blurry, “pixel-enhanced” photo.

    The only trial that should be going on is for Antifa Gaige, with the vaporized bicep, as he is a felon, with a gun, who attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse.

    I hope this judge throws this thing out at the last minute.

  2. The photo creates more reasonable doubt.
    Binger has to get it into evidence to have something, anything to argue tomorrow.
    Without it, nada.

    The photo also gives defense lawyers great argument about how dirty the prosectors are.

    All good.

  3. The judge should not have allowed this into evidence for the simple fact that it is not an accurate depiction of what happened that night. The image was computer generated, using A/I the computer “guesses” at where it thinks the pixels should go and this re-generation was done in a lap after the fact.

    The image also has no context; where was Kyle looking at this instance, was the gun being panned (moved from one position to the next with no intent actually point it an anyone)?

    The consensus, which I do not subscribe, has been that this judge has been favorable to the defense. The decision to admit this doctored image, plus the decision to allow the prosecution to add a bunch more less serious charges for the jury to chew on ( a lame attempt to appease the angry mob from burning down the town) none of this bodes well for Kyle.

  4. What is it that the media always likes to claim? Oh yeah…”doctored video””

    “Space Invaders” was clearer forty years ago than this crap, which doesn’t even rise to “Yanni or Laurel” level.

  5. Some blogs of late has been making the correlation between the death threats the judge has been getting to the favorable rulings he is giving to the prosecution.

    They are also lambasting Kyle’s lawyer for not challenging all the bogus ammo evidence the prosecution got in re: hollow point and full metal jacket rounds.

  6. Everyone liked the judge,seems like a good old grandfather type. I liked him at first but started watching him closer.Yeah he yelled at the prosecutor after the prosecutor lied and tramped all over Kyle’s rights but what did the judge actually do to him? NOTHING!! Then at the end of the trial let in non evidence that some juror with bad eyesight can hang kyle with!

  7. I view all of this differently. It’s up to the jury to decide the guilt or innocence. They’ve watched the state’s shambles and not make a case based upon the evidence. They’ve not had a single instance of tearing down the gates of a “reasonable doubt” about Kyle’s use of force to defend himself against imminent danger of his life. He had no place to run to with the first guy. He was sitting on his butt in the road without the use of his legs to run anywhere with Huber and bicep guy. If the jump, kick guy had successfully knocked him out or killed him, it’s quite likely Huber and armed felon (bicep guy) would have killed him again. The defense should include in their closing that these guys didn’t need provocation. Hell! They were already provoked into burning down Kenosha.

  8. Just one frame of a video?
    What about the prior and later frames? What did they show?
    Did they dress them up with fancy editing and find nothing?
    If this is all they had, as a juror I would ignore it.


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