…slowly inching away – IOTW Report

…slowly inching away

The Melania ad was dumb on the part of Mairs’ Superpac.

But this is absolutely childish.

43 Comments on …slowly inching away

  1. RT or not, who clicked the “Submit” button and sent it out to his followers? I believe the answer would be DT.

    Last I checked it would have been illegal for Cruz to have known of the commercial that started all of this much less been the one to submit it for broadcast.

    Just more of the same deflection as usual from Trump followers.

    The response from Cruz shows which is the adult here;

    “Donald, real men don’t attack women. Your wife is lovely, and Heidi is the love of my life. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/712850174838771712

  2. Presented in a vacuum, retweet or not, a comment that’s meant to imply “my wife is better looking than your wife” is stupid, no matter which presidential candidate is making it.

    I should have made the counter propaganda, with Heidi Cruz’s wrist handcuffed to a suitcase full of Goldman Sachs money.
    THAT is the appropriate follow up.
    Maybe he’d retweet that.

    Trump seems to be compelled to retweet grade f propaganda producers, and it’s going to bite him in the ass.


  3. What a shame. And Hillary seemed so beatable. Let’s pause our sniping at the candidates’ wives long enough to salute a wonderful country as it goes down the drain.

  4. When Cruz kids were attacked, Trump denounced the attacker. When Cruz PAC attacked Trump’s wife, Cruz said nothing.

    PAC leader is Liz Mair – former Romney campaign and fired from Walker campaign after 1st day for insulting Iowa voters.

    Cruz also has person with reputation as being the nastiest, dishonest person leading his campaign.

    Tens of millions of dollars are being spent by Ted and his establishment cronies on anti-Trump ads. Absolutely unheard of. Not on policy issues or substance but personal attacks and now attacking Trump’s wife with a 2000 picture.

    Come on. Put the blame where it belongs – the corrupt politicians, “strategists”, donors who know Trump will push them away from the taxpayer supplied public trough where they’ve gotten fat way beyond any ability or contribution.

    This is all establishment sideshow to keep us from focusing on the border, economy and government corruption.

    For goodness sakes, we have a Presidential Candidate freely campaigning and leading her party while under investigation by the FBI and Justice Department!

    How much more corruption can this country take?

  5. If Trump had any self-restraint, he wouldn’t be where he is right now.

    If he doesn’t find some self-restraint, he won’t be where he is right now for long.

    They’re only needling you now, DJT, but the long knives are next. Circumspection is your friend.

  6. Bit of a hypocrite, BFH. You post some pretty “childish” things from time to time.

    How dare a proposed President act human. We want someone who acts restrained until they are elected, when they proceed to break every promise they ever made.

  7. Gladys is right. We have 535 folks, right now, sitting in Congress that got there being consistently self-righteous, above the fray and fighting for us. See how well that worked out. I want an emotional wrecking ball to tear the house down and start over. Lindsay Graham alone makes me want to take a suicide bomb to Capitol Hill.

    And while I’m venting my spleen, last night on Fox Business, they had a clip of Paul Ryan criticizing Trump, his supporters and voters for the level of vitriol being expressed during these Primaries. Hey Paul: You and your GOPe created Trump and the hatred for the corrupt system, when you made all the 2014 promises, then shit all over us the day after you retook your seat.
    Own IT!

  8. Think of this: Donald Trump is using the Alinsky rules against them. He’s the first Repub candidate who figured it out and is acting on it – although Gingrich came close before he was PC shamed by Romney.

    Do I like it? Yes and no. Yes, because it’s like hating what your friend Tony Soprano does until you’re raped in a stairwell, know who raped you and know that the “justice system” won’t do a thing.

    No, because I know what gentlemanly behavior is. I understand Neville Chamberlain was a gentleman. So were Vidkun Quisling and Marshal Philippe Pétain.

    And in 2012 Romney was a gentleman.

  9. Oy, sometimes he is so small. But then again he is on record over and over again if you come at him he’s going to hit back harder.

    The PAC made a stupid, stupid move using his wife then Romney doubled down mocking his foreign wives. If Cruz wants to pretend he is above this he should have long ago remained above the fray, he didn’t. He set the tone and others kow they can play childish games, and Cruz will pretend he is univolved. Most of us see right through it. Trump does his own dirty work, Cruz lets others do it for him.

  10. Once you start F’ing with people’s spouses and children, the game is on. Hasn’t Ted or Hillary not learned yet that you do not screw with the Donald? Yep, Ted’s wife is bat shit crazy, we do not need another crazy woman in the WH. The woman who put the ad out had a wink and a nod from Liar Teddy. This is how Teddy works, the smirk on his face tells it all. This last event nailed it for me – I will never ever vote for Ted Cruz.

  11. Trump has NO superPACs to do his dirty work. He is his own (and our) man. The cheese stands alone.

    Cruz now has his original (4) SuperPacs (iterations of Keep the Promise, started by Mercer and other oil and gas investment groups and banks), as well as, now, Jeb!’s PACs, and who knows what all other PACs. Many of them have no requirement to name individual donors so you don’t know what special interests are behind them all.

    They are growing by the day, so Cruz will soon have the full support of the RNC and the GOP to do his dirty work for him and give him that slimy firewall of plausible deniability. This business of not knowing what his PACs are doing is an appealing bit of nonsense to his supporters who find themselves trying to defend his tasteless and untruthful ads.

    So, is Cruz does the job that the GOP could not and stops Trump from getting to 1237, he will have done his part for the Establishment. When they get to the convention, if Cruz thinks the GOP is going to let him be the nominee, he’s crazy. Then the GOP puts in whoever they want and it ain’t going to be Cruz. So the GOP chooses who they want and they don’t care who win the GE — President Jeb! or President Clinton. They are completely interchangeable.

    Is everyone here happy, now?

  12. I’m with Dennis Miller on this. We didn’t see Willard work this hard for his own campaign. We haven’t seen the GOPe work this hard against obola, jarrett (did you see the recent tweet on how wonderful the Cuban education system is?) and their agenda.

  13. Well there you have it folks.

    Since Kasich is non-existent and Cruz is Trump’s only opponent effectively, anything that the anti-Trump folks do, no matter what it is, is now going to be labeled as Cruz’s fault and something he did.

    Funny how it is that everything anti-Trump is Cruz’s fault while nothing that is anti-Cruz is ever Trump’s fault.

    Oh and as for the myth that their are no Pro-Trump Super PACs, then what are all these registered with the FEC?

    Make America Great Again PAC Pro-Trump

    Patriots for Trump Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    TrumPAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    Committee to Restore America’s Greatness Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    HC4DT Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    Make America Great Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    Trumpet! PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    Americans for Greatness Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    Let’s Trump Politics Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    Make America Great Again Pro-Trump 501c4

    Crippled America Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    TuckFrump.com Anti-Trump SuperPAC

    Trump USA Super PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    American National Trump SuperPAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    America’s Trump Card SuperPAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    TrumPAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC

    Yep, he sure is his own man and has no cronies or connections to anything in the establishment other than all those he has given money to or received favors from in both the Republican and Democrat establishments.

  14. Bit of a hypocrite, BFH. You post some pretty “childish” things from time to time.>>>>

    Are we interested in Trump getting votes or being a funnyman blogger?

    There is a difference.

    I would totally bookmark Trump’s blog.

    The thing we like about Trump, his shoot from the hip style, can be his tripwire.

    Is this a deal breaker???


    Trump would have to do a lot worse for me to not cast a vote for him in order to bury Hillary.
    He would have to have soldiers killed and then lie to the families about it.

    Has he done that yet?

  15. The idea that either candidate is perfect and never make any mistakes is absurd. People need to quit being so touchy.
    Trump does this shit for free air time. That’s why he’s spent far far less than any other candidate. And it working for him. He probably won’t stop until the primaries have been settled.

  16. ……Are we interested in Trump getting votes or being a funnyman blogger?

    There is a difference…

    Is there?

    Team Cruz tried to humiliate his wife, playing the “moral high ground” bit. Tried to reduce her to just a sex object. Tried to belittle her based on her past and her appearence. Turnabout is fair play

    So who is to blame for the ugly picture of Heidi making the rounds? Who is at fault that now her past “breakdown” is in play? Team Cruz, that’s who.

    Trump, again, just stole Cruz’s thunder.

  17. Woody — You should check your info before posting it. While Trump has repeatedly denounced any super PACs over the course of the past 8 months of campaigning (and you should know this about his campaign if you are going to criticize it), he cannot stop anyone from creating one. You will want to check to see if any of the ones you list are actually funded or funded under the Trump name in order to deceive people into giving money for anti-Trump activities. It happens.

    Trump’s lawyers sent letters to super PACs early in the campaign and told them to please return the money to any donors. If there are so-called Trump super PACs existing today, it’s probably because they haven’t been notified or have ignored the notice (which they should not).

    What you are in essence saying is that Trump has lied and continues to lie to everyone about his self-funding. He is not lying and you are irresponsible to write that or try to promulgate that.
    Shame on you.

  18. where did everyone get the idea that politicians were not childish to start with?

    trump may not be conventional but he gets his point across and is not afraid to do it.

    after cruz’s response do you really think cunton will not use the vagina card to cower him? keep dreaming.

    if trump goes down at least he will go down swinging.

  19. AA,

    While Trump has repeatedly denounced any super PACs over the course of the past 8 months of campaigning (and you should know this about his campaign if you are going to criticize it), he cannot stop anyone from creating one.

    It would be intellectually honest to at least accept that what is true for Trump is also true for other candidates, even Cruz. Also Cruz denounced the ad in question on NBC and elsewhere (which is something you should really know before you criticize a campaign).

    I fully expect to see any and everything that is done by “anti-Trump” groups to now be blamed on Cruz simply because it is convenient for Trump followers to do so when attempting to deflect scrutiny of any embarrassing Trump words or acts in the coming weeks.

  20. Can’t find the longer video where they come back and ask his opinion again of the Facebook ad. Oh well that will have to do.

    Anyway, I bet no one had bothered to even check if this “Make America Awesome” Super PAC was backed by Cruz supporters or in any other way linked to Cruz.

    If you check OpenSecrets you will discover that it is funded by Democrats and Marco Rubio supporters.

    Hmm, seems Cruz has no ties whatsoever. In fact it seems based on Donors that Trump has a closer connection than Cruz since some of the donors contributed to the same campaigns that Trump funded in the past.

    But since it was “anti-Trump” it must be Cruz doing it because he is the villain in this morality play for Trump followers.

  21. Politics aint for sissies so you can stop coming to his rescue, he’s a big boy. I take him at his word that it was inappropriate. I just wih he would learn to shut up, he talks too much……”…Donald used it as an excuse to try to attack my wife…..” Blah blah blah, he could have and should have stopped this at the get go by not egging on Trump

    It is 100% his fault people dont beleive him.

  22. No argument. My only point is that people automatically assume things based on the script the media feeds them. If you dig under the surface facts paint a much different picture this election season. Nothing the media has peddled has been true other than their names maybe. Heck one of the biggest contrasts is how at the beginning Jeb! was attempted to be painted as an “outsider”, but they gave up when it brought big laughs from anyone who heard it.

    Now they want to claim Cruz is an “insider” when at the beginning he was an “outsider” and the proof was that no one in the Senate liked him and he didn’t have a single congressman’s endorsement. This while telling us that Trump had great relations with them and that he could work deals.

    Now it is Trump who is the “outsider” that will take nothing from nobody and who will demand great deals. Cruz is now the “insider” who is completely establishment because of endorsements and who is always “lyin'”.

    Sorry, but unlike Trump, his party affiliation, and his positions, principles and facts don’t change.

  23. The vitriol I’m seeing here against Cruz is seriously misplaced.
    He is the ONLY one I’ve seen since Reagan to stand up to both the corrupt GOP and democratic establishments. Trump is not the be all and end all like some of you seem to think.
    He’s SUPPORTED the establishment in fact!

    You may actually be paving the way for Hillary. Do you want that?
    Do you really believe that G.W. Bush lied about WsMD and Iraq?
    Has Cruz told more lies than Trump? Who’s more mature?

    I’ve seen this sort of thing before to some extent with the likes of Jessie Ventura.
    Carry on if you must, but you may never see a true conservative like Cruz to ever come along again in your lifetimes.

  24. another perspective:
    Now, let’s all just settle down. If there is something significant that we need to know about any of the spouses, (and that includes you, Mr. Clinton), bring it on. I don’t want to have any more “surprises” in the First Lady.


    Moose is the first ladyman right now. I can’t recall photos, of any other first lady, scratching their balls in public, not even Hamrod.

  25. Trump is right on the super pac issue.
    if you aren’t rich, you aren’t smart, and if you aren’t smart, you don’t belong in politics.
    Without super pacs Trump would not have to contend with bozo’s like Cruz and Rubio. Face it, they aren’t even billionaires.
    Leave politics to those who have proven their qualifications by making a lot of money.
    Trump 2016!

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