I’m sorry, as a white person, that I do not provide enough racism for a POC who craves it, craves it so much they fabricate it – IOTW Report

I’m sorry, as a white person, that I do not provide enough racism for a POC who craves it, craves it so much they fabricate it

Student of color reportedly behind racist graffiti at a Rochester girls’ school.

“This school is filled with a bunch of n*ggers. Get out or else!!” the graffiti said.


student of color is reportedly behind racist graffiti found Monday morning in a bathroom at a private Catholic all-girls school in Brighton, New York.

Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women, a grade 6 through grade 12 school located within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, announced Thursday that its investigation into the graffiti containing a racial slur has ended with a student coming forward and taking responsibility for writing the offensive message.

Mercy said it will not disclose the name of the student who confessed to vandalizing the school bathroom with the N-word graffiti because of its confidentiality practices, WHEC reported. However, the school said that “maximum disciplinary action” has been taken against the student.

“For legal reasons, and in accordance with Mercy’s confidentiality practices, the student will not be identified. Mercy has zero tolerance for this kind of behavior; appropriate and maximum disciplinary action has been taken,” Mercy stated.


24 Comments on I’m sorry, as a white person, that I do not provide enough racism for a POC who craves it, craves it so much they fabricate it

  1. The goal of all black hate hoaxters is to convince decent black people to join the KKKlan with a Tan in order to engage in REAL hate crimes against white people by trying to make it look as if “white supremacists” are everywhere when, in fact, they simply aren’t. But you can’t sling a dead cat in any major city without hitting some shit for brains, violent, racist black supremacist. They are all over because they are egged on by Hollywood, “news” agencies, schools, and the very government itself.

  2. Ho hum. Another fake race hoax perpetrated by another well paid and quite comfortable negro malcontent.

    This is becoming redundant and predictable.
    Y’all need to up your game.

  3. we are planning events and initiatives in the coming weeks to recognize and acknowledge the powerful emotions that are present within our community.

    Which will alienate the students who harbor no such ill will toward their classmates.

    i had to take part in a ‘diversity’ program at work. i was offended i had to attend. i let people live the life of their choosing and treat all with the same respect regardless of any of the silly factors we were lectured about.

    Expel this child and make an example of her. You have zero tolerance for this crap? Prove it!!!

  4. @PHenry — I figure it’s just a matter timeuntil we see lynching hoaxes. Not a hoaxed dead body (that would detract from the narrative), but just a hoaxed white perpetrator. I doubt we’ll have to wait very long.

  5. “However, the school said that “maximum disciplinary action” has been taken against the student.” I hope it’s not a wooden ruler whacked across the knuckles. That hurt like a mo fo. /s

  6. A year ago in Rochester NY, two black teens set a white man in his fifties on fire after spraying him with an accelerant. He died several days later of his injuries. All the local media outlets covered up the details of the grisly crime, but the cops talked to a hometown radio talk show host (Bob Lonsberry)so the word got out.

  7. We can’t be bothered to harass black folks (and put them in chains).
    So I wish to heartily thank those black hoaxters (disciples of the pioneer Revrump Sharpton) for doing the hate crimes that us white Americans won’t do.

    PS I’m starting a GoFU Me page to fund a campaign to replace Kamallalla with Tawanna Brawley, who is clearly more qualified to be VPOTUS.

  8. Back in the day…”60 Minutes” would have done an in-depth expose’ on these hoaxes and that would be the end of them. And why hasn’t a “Mothers Against Hate Hoaxes” (MAHH, or MA because the “H”s are silent) sprung up on the national stage? What color ribbon or rubber wrist band should we adopt to signal our support for ridding the world of Hate Hoaxes? In functional America, an anti-hoax song would be on the charts and the tee vee series “Law & Order” would feature the trial of a hoaxer in which all the mayhem caused by the hoax would be revealed.

    I think this is the first time in the history of the world that will never be referred to as “The good old days” by decent people.

  9. Paid race supremacists, as seen with Joe Biden, have done the same in NYC, then blamed others for the vile deed. They were caught by detectives and exposed to who they really are: democrats’ paid actors and race-haters. Sites such as nextdoor, pinterest, facebook, instagram, craigslist etc often advertise for these characters to engage in blatant racism for money.

  10. Shocker, heres a clue for you white eyes…

    Don’t be sorry for anything ever

    It’s was Demonrats who destroyed the Red/Black/Brown people look it up before they change the little thing called history.

  11. Charles Murray, coauthor of The Bell Curve, has published a new book: FACING REALITY: TWO TRUTHS ABOUT RACE IN AMERICA. (Encounter Books, 2021) I highly recommend it. It’s a short – but very good – read.


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