Imagine for 1 Second Don Jr. Saying This About His Father – Would CNN Think It Was Charming? – IOTW Report

Imagine for 1 Second Don Jr. Saying This About His Father – Would CNN Think It Was Charming?

The hypocrisy is RIDICULOUS. The FAWNING, the Double Standard, alllllll DISGUSTING.

10 Comments on Imagine for 1 Second Don Jr. Saying This About His Father – Would CNN Think It Was Charming?

  1. Pyscho MSNBC host this AM actually said this about stuff like that:
    “Mitt is a moral Boy Scout and America is crying out for a Boy Scout with Morals” She actually said that from in MSNBC studio.

    This same Psycho Host in earlier election broadcasts compared Mitt Romney to a scummy telemarketing SCAM KING.

    Oh, and that Boys Scout were BAD cause they didn’t want their Morals compromised by Liberal Homosexual conduct around children.

    NBC is pure EVIL LIVE.
    EVIL HYPOCRISY thy name is NBC
    . . . and CNN SUCKS

  2. as long as dems rip unborn babies right out of the womb then the repubs cant do that ungodly evil thing of ripping them outta their mommas arms at the mexico us borders. the world is at peace now. yay

  3. “I’ll cut her head off and she won’t even know she’s bleeding,” wanna-be filmmaker Mr. Duggan says about someone’s mother, “’cause she’ll be dead ….”


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