Imagine the View Women Left Speechless – IOTW Report

Imagine the View Women Left Speechless

18 Comments on Imagine the View Women Left Speechless

  1. Oh my. What could they say when he was actually giving examples? Shelter didn’t ven try to dispute what was said. What could Stelter say? He knew that everything that was listed was, in fact, what he had done.

    I think the females of The View didn’t know how to respond without confirming that they were lying, partisan hacks.

  2. I’m pretty sure this was a parody. It never actually happened. Those bitches would never be quite that long no matter what was in their mouths.
    The View is on from 11:00 AM to 12:00 am. Ihad to Google it. Who’s home to watch this bull shit? Fine they’re recording it. These same peeps are buying gas, buying groceries. That potential audience has had to been diminished by an easy 50%. Also that in house AI audience they have has got to be bull shit. I’ve read as much. They rarely show it, film it. So my question is how do these losers get the ratings to continue? Or are they subsidized. If that’s the case, we, as conservatives really need to stop paying attention to these obnoxious bitches.
    I went to Youboob and searched Joey Bichhearts early comedy routines and this is all that came up, beside some telethon. Who is this rude bitch?


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