Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo) – IOTW Report

Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

Daily Caller/ Ann Coulter:

Last Friday, Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo, aka Henry Bello, opened fire with an AM-15 rifle at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, killing one doctor and injuring a half-dozen others. I would prefer to leap right in and offer my ideas for stopping these immigrant shooting rampages, but first I’ll have to tell you the facts the media won’t.

The New York Times, still unaware there’s an internet, is trying to pass off the Nigerian as a Californian, the non-doctor as a doctor, and Mr. Obotetukudo as “Dr. Bello.”

In the Times’ major biographical profile of Bello the next day, he was described as a “sharp dresser from California.” The only other reference to the shooter’s provenance came several paragraphs later: “Dr. Bello lived in California off and on from 1991 until 2006.”

ABC News had reported on the day of the shooting that Bello was a “Nigerian national” — so the cat was already out of the bag, New York Times. Local New York station PIX11 also reported that he was a Nigerian. Even newspapers in Ohio knew that Bello was a Nigerian.  MORE

12 Comments on Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo)

  1. Ann Coulter always nails it with her wit and sarcasm. Takes a tragic story yet you wind up laughing at her descriptions. She’s right, until I read this, I thought it was a Dr who went nuts. Amazing just how much we are lied to.

  2. Oh and I just finished being lectured about how reliable NYT is–by someone claiming Hobby Lobby denies women healthcare.Of course the NYT says so, be damned the actual ruling I gave her a link for!

  3. The New York Times is quite simply agenda-driven “news”, otherwise known as propaganda.
    Kinda like one big infomercial for our enemies.
    Since becoming the personal blog for Carlos Slim, I guess you could say the Truth has been slimed down…

  4. Whenever I click a link that leads to the NY Times (even from this site!) I immediately hit the back button. Doesn’t even matter if the subject seems apolitical – 90% of it appears to be made-up liberal propaganda so it’s just not worth reading.

  5. Anyone besides me notice that the rifle is a “California Compliant” model?

    Look at the lack of a pistol grip. Proof to me that background checks mean nothing where a hard heart is concerned.

    These are what the California legislation deem “less lethal” because pistol grips and normal mag releases make this gun more “evil”.

    Next, a semi-auto ban on all firearms including shotguns.

    We’re both trying to make the same point. Idiot Law Makers (Out of work Attorneys) that don’t know shit about shit come up with these idiotic laws. And then pass them on to other idiots in other states. I’ll take a featureless gun over one with a bullet button any day.

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