IMMINENT CLIMATE EMERGENCY Has Been Going On So Long It’s Old Enough To Run For President – IOTW Report

IMMINENT CLIMATE EMERGENCY Has Been Going On So Long It’s Old Enough To Run For President

Daniel Turner

In anticipation for @JoeBiden remarks on #ClimateEmergency for this afternoon-

-1988. Senator Wirth (D, CO) Chair of Energy and Natural Resources Committee, holds the first hearing on GLOBAL WARMING. It was political theater. As Sen. Wirth later admitted they checked the weather bureau to find the historically hottest day in DC and chose that date for the hearing.

The night before they opened all the windows in the hearing room and said the AC wasn’t working. Everyone was hot and sweaty for the cameras. Then climate guru James Hansen laid out the case. WE MUST ACT NOW to avoid the crisis. The threat was IMMINENT AND IRREVERSIBLE. Mind you this was 34 years ago. The globalists soon followed. Months later the UN famously concluded the Maldives would be underwater by 2000. Yes,THE MALDIVES.

Most of Bangladesh would, too. Famine. End of civilization.

This is only a decade after the “experts”‘parroted by NYTimes propagandist Walter Sullivan write about the coming ice age.

Spock even made a PSA (next)

But now- a decade later- a complete 180 based on “the science” and “the experts” and the time to act is NOW. Timing is curious. 1988 the economy was roaring. HW hadn’t tanked Reagan’s work yet. So in the largesse and comfort of economic bounty, a new cause was born.

No one has ever explained WHY the Maldives aren’t underwater. No one has ever explained WHY “the science” was wrong then but is correct now. Just shut up and wear your mask… I mean buy an electric car… All you need to know are these points:

1. Be afraid. The threat is real, it’s coming, it will kill us all, and only government can save you.

2. Trust “the experts” and “the science”. Do not ask to see their work. And if you question it you are a threat. A denier. A disinformation campaign. You must be silenced.

3. The solution means surrendering your rights for the greater good. Now is not the time to be selfish. You must do your part because the public good triumphs.

4. The elites are exempt. They are too important and their work is too critical to be constrained by rules.

5. Success is never the goal. We will never “win” or “defeat the enemy”. The process is more important than the outcomes. Now- take those 5 steps and apply it to climate change, COVID, war on terror, it’s all the same CRISIS. It’s all the same EMERGENCY.

Substitute taking off your shoes at TSA with wearing your mask with turning off your AC. It’s the the same thing. We never won the “war on terror”. We “defeated the virus”. And we will never- ever- “fix climate”.

And @JohnKerry will never give up the ketchup private jet. Just like @SpeakerPelosi will never not get her hair done in lockdowns. Don’t doubt. Don’t spread misinformation. Be afraid. Surrender your rights. We are all going to die. The threat is real. Only government can save you.

15 Comments on IMMINENT CLIMATE EMERGENCY Has Been Going On So Long It’s Old Enough To Run For President

  1. The Amazing Kreskin
    What do the following have in common?
    Climate change, current administration, vaccine, IMDB reviews, #of twitter followers, MSM.

    Their all fake.

  2. If the old bastard really does declare another “emergency”, kiss what is left of any freedom that you thought you had left goodbye, forever. The government will have total control over every aspect of your life. You will no longer be a citizen, you will be a subject. Drive a gas or diesel vehicle? You won’t have it any more, it will be confiscated, perhaps at gunpoint by a Biden minion. Own a farm or any kind of property? It will be seized by the government, because they know better than you how to manage it. Livestock? It will all be culled because meat & poultry are evil & bad for your health. Own your house? That too will be seized & you & yours will be moved into “equality housing”, because owning your house is contributing to climate change. Your new fabulous government digs will have no air conditioning nor central heating, no appliances of any kind. Farm equipment? Seized. This, just like centralized health care, is the government’s wet dream. People had better wake up to this & now, because the husk is going to ram this through. The entire heartland will go fallow under government control, as the populace is forced into cities, while nobody in government has the first clue of how to do any kind of manual labor, nor do they want to. They want only to control YOU from a far off Capital city.

  3. Isn’t it amazing that the predictions of the
    SCIENCE EXPERTS have been totally wrong for
    more than forty years.

    Remember, the lying MSM constantly reminded
    us that these LIARS were experts.

    The primary trouble has been in identifying

    If there even is such a thing in a particular discipline.

    And when it comes to climate predictability,
    you might as well consult ouija and ouiske.

    Try it using a dart board sometime
    you might be amazed how accurate
    the dart board is!

  4. Rumors about the Rapture are probably truer than all the global warming, global cooling, acid rain, climate change etc. malarkey that I’ve heard most of my life. Chicken Little,” The sky is falling”, and the Rapture will never die as long as there are enough gullible people who fall for this bs every time. Pogo was right, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

  5. THE ICE AGE! THE OZONE HOLE! I remember my EIC whinging about the ozone hole… he said some tropical aboriginal peoples were dying at some disastrous rate from cancer. How would they know? Who told them? Life expectancy of 32 and all of a sudden it’s R-12 killing them off.


    How do windscreen wipers get oil off a windscreen?


    These fucking people…

  6. Eric, are you sure that those 10-foot dandelions weren’t really Triffids? Those large mutant man-eating plants that tried to destroy England and the world in that classic Englsih sci fi movie from the 60’s, The Day Of The Triffids. They finally stopped all the Triffids by dousing them with plain old seawater.

  7. The Day of the Triffids. best sic-fi horror movie ever ( if you’re a 10 year old boy that has to do lawn mowing & weeding as part of his weekly chores)

  8. “The Day of the Triffids. best sic-fi horror movie ever”
    The book by Wyndham is much better, they bypassed most of the subplots on the movie, and the book has a much richer ending sorta “Lord of the Flies”, and Alas Babylon meets “The Man Who Would Be King”
    He also dug into several stereotupes such as women not knowing about mechanical stuff, and the difference between useful and decorative. Kinda an early Mary Ann VS Ginger scenario.

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