Impeachment ends exactly as predicted months and months ago – IOTW Report

Impeachment ends exactly as predicted months and months ago

Trump Acquitted on Both Articles of Impeachment

President will not be removed from office.


President Trump has been acquitted on both articles of impeachment and will not be removed from office, USA Today reports. The vote for the first article, abuse of power, was 52-48, CNN reports. All 47 Democratic senators voted to convict, the Wall Street Journal reports. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney also voted to convict, breaking with his fellow Republicans, a decision he had announced on the Senate floor before the vote Wednesday, the AP reports. Romney said Trump’s actions were “perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of oath of office that I can imagine.” He’s the only senator in US history who has ever voted to convict a president from his own party during an impeachment trial. Romney did not, however, vote with Democrats on the second article, obstruction of Congress; the vote on that charge was 53-47.

17 Comments on Impeachment ends exactly as predicted months and months ago

  1. Now’s the time for Trump to start heavily campaigning for candidates for Congress and the Senate in states where they have a decent chance to takeaway (or to keep a vulnerable seat) a seat and take back Congress and hold/increase the Senate. Don’t start investigations into Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the like at this time. Wait until re-elected with a large margin of popular votes and Congress and the Senate is secured and Ginzberg is hauled off and replaced with an actual Judge. Then create a “War on Corruption” campaign that features the rogues gallery on the left in politics, the Deep State Players that sought a coup-d’etat in America and Corporate Kingpins (you’re likely to find some Republicans in this bunch but that’s ok too). He’ll have four years to clean the stables without worrying about a re-election. He just has to make sure the Secret Service is on the ball (or bring in his own people).
    Oh, and maybe it’s time for Palin to come off the bench and take
    Murkowski’s seat away from the squish.

  2. chuffed-beyond-words
    FEBRUARY 5, 2020 AT 5:58 PM
    “Thank you God, thank you Jesus, for interceding and answering our prayers.

    …that said, I hope that that S0D Mitt Romney is publicly shunned.”

    …I think you spelled “hung” wrong there at the very end after “publicly”, otherwise 100% with you…

  3. Estimated $25 million, so far, this farce in too many acts has cost the American taxpayer. And no apparent sign of an end to it, either.
    Term limits?
    How about “throwing shit at someone until it sticks” limits?
    How many miles of beautiful border fence for 25 mil?


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